November 13, 2005
is a tool you can use to generate discussions on any topic, concern, question or idea you have. It shares similarities with a lot of different things, such as blogs, event organizing tools, product comparison tools, online polls, etc., but it’s much more free-form.
I really like the layout of their polls. So nice, clean and Webby 2.0 looking.
This is kind of neat and I'd like to see it take off, but the design of the site is rubbing me the wrong way. It looks overly sterile. I feast on content, and the browse pages have an empty feel; I wish they would have the full question in a smaller font or would pack more questions on one page. Also there's no horizontal navigation, i.e. no way to easily hop to any "next" topic. I also find the gray font is hard on my eyes; Monkey/Metafilter can get away with it since their fonts are larger. But the poll feature is definitely spiffy.
meh, I'll take the wait-n-see stance. This has the potential to be really, really good. But since we're talkin' bout the Intarwebs here, I think I'll just hold off a bit. *ponders some of the great flaming poo explosions of the past