November 12, 2005
Caution: Movie Spoilers
We know how to find out information about movies, get reviews of movies, see trailers for movies, and get movie tickets. But what if you just want to know who wins at the end of Rocky IV? Or you want to know what the hell was going on in Memento? Then you just may need to check out some movie spoilers.
don't forget MoviePooper!
You know, that'd be a great domain name for a gay pr0n website.
the first link, i meant...obviously. the last one would be about 2fast 2furious...
A different type of movie spoiler.
I prefer reading reviews of movies that the reviewer has never seen. But sometimes people don't realize that it's supposed to be an exercise in humor.
It was fun the last time here; let's play again!
Krull is saved but Liam Neeson dies.
It's made out of people.
The protagonist endures overwhelming hardships and develops a new outlook on life. Emotional lumps in the throat occur.
They're all distinct personalities in the killer, and the one that's a kid is the murderous one.
Ben gets shot because they think he's a zombie. Either that or because he's black.
It's made out of people Damnit you've just RUINED "American Pie" for me.
The good guy gets the McGuffin - often the girl.
Ricky's father shoots Lester.
Doug Masters saves his father from Col. Nakesh.
Conan kills Rathomon.
T.E. Lawrence dies in a motorcycle accident.
your house is being burgled while you're at the cinema.
He fixes the cable.
He comes. They come.
Everyone comes. A.K.A NSFW
Kaiser Soze == Verbal Kint
*looks down at plate of Soylent Green* Damn.