Well, that's the last we'll see of him in these lowly backwaters of the net. Hello Kitty, goodbye kitfisto.
Yeah Yeah, join the queue of kitfisto worshippers!
I'll tell you what, regardless of what some may think of BB (I quite like it), I've sold about 5 paintings so far already.
Not like when I pimped em out to you bunch of tightwads! (Only kiddin).
Fame won't change me. Oh no. Now bring me my hubbley-bubbley pipe.
*clap* *clap*
Which puts you about 500 squid to the good then kit? Your round I think. When I see someone succeeding through their talent, my first thought is naturally "What's in this for me?"
Link to SELF-LINK!!!
Delete! Delete! Whoop! Whoop!
Bloody hell. This FPP fast on the heels of a custom-made birthday post. Following the whole meat-dreads thing.
I'm getting a little too resentful of my other half.
I almost wish I'd been polite to him now.
Hey! Starving artist over here!
Two hungry cats to support, plus various humans as well...
All will love me and DESPAIR!
*does that csary Galadrial thing again*
This just in, Capt. Renault shows up on Canadian freemason site with wry smile attached.
Wow. All this time, I thought he meant the reasonably priced French cars.
Who'd a thunk it?
Such a good moustache day...
Congratulations, kitfisto! That's very cool.
Kick ass!
You guys!
*does that shadow boxing thing / chokes back a tear*
I really can't wait for the backlash to start, though.
Oh, here it comes!
Pfft - I saw this on BoingBoing like, minutes ago. Kitfisto's schtick is tired and old.
Oh yeah that felt good.
Good for you Kit!
I thought he said "backwash", so that's really not so bad.
Hey, congrats Kit! By the way, I finally got my shirt, thanks!
Cheers mate!
see, cause he's a brit, and i'm imitating his colloquialisms in a sarcastic manner. that's my brilliant humour for you.
Oh, yeah -- forgot to say that I got mine as well, so thanks!
It's a bit off kilter, but I've only worn it at the bar, and by then I've built up a compensatory lean, so it all works out.
Thanks! And good luck with the pimpin'!
I've been calling him "Boing Boing" for years. For a different reason, though.
congrats Kitfisto! I am glad to see that at least some artistes are getting some recognition--and more importantly, some money. woohoo!
She totally wants you, dude.
I like those
Well done, mr fisto
I like the kitties. I think I would like to buy one. Someone give me money.
"Ah yes, an early Fisto. Magnificent piece - its subtle, haunting re-imaginatoring of a pervasive meta-cultural iconomythos matched only by its bold use of colour and shapes and lines to form an 'image'. Have you had it valued? These Fistos have appreciated considerably, of course, since the massacre, and the widespread media interest generated by such perverse, wanton slaughter. I'd take it off your hands for a very reasonable fee..."
pssst... kitfisto has a foot fetish...
I hear he's an anti-Semite! Who hates Jews! And has sex with goats! Jewish goats!
since the massacre,
1) Buy Kitfisto art
2) ...
3) Profit!
No, no, he's a communist who wets his bed! You're thinking of quidnunk.
Ah, good ol' quaffnuts, that fascist goose-stepping bastard!
Someone get a bucket. Kitfisto's gone and cut off an ear!
Someone else's, obviously...but still a bold artistic statement.
Look, now he's drunk and flinging paint at a canvas! What will kitfisto do next?!
Actually, another monkey was linked there recently.. a missing journalist of our aquaintance..
Wa-hey! Good on ya kit; I hope this brings in lots of orders (^_^)
kitfisto has a posse!!!
Did you hear what I said? SideDish also got Boing² linked earlier.
Someone get a bucket. Kitfisto's gone and cut off an ear!
But if he used his lightsaber, the wound would have vauterized immediately.
Wait, does kitfisto even have ears? How does he hear through those meat dreadlocks?
Er, vauterized=cauterized.
I heard you. You got linky?
I suppose both this and the birthday post will go to his head now.
Congrats, anyway.
Did you hear what I said? SideDish also got Boing² linked earlier.
Thanks for the heads up, Chy.
Congrats to Sidey, too!
Whoops, I first read that as ...SideDish also got Boinked earlier.
Sorry, Sidey
Wasn't Sidey moving house a couple of months ago? I wonder if she's settled in all right.
Sorry, my mistake. Shinything was moving house, and Sidey got married, right?
I miss them. *sniff*
Cheers, ya big lugs!
In a rare moment of sincerity, I'd like to thank everyone who's said nice things about my work in the past. Plenty of times I've felt like not bothering, but your encoragement and support has been a big boost. God bless.
Now, who wants some kitfisto luvin?
I wouldn't mind, but I'm a bit worried about the whole "fist" business.
Holy cow!
That's fantabulous!!
However, you have seriously infringed my copyright and I claim my £5.
I think Capt. Renault has something for infringed copyright.
Hmm, seeing as how you're ripping off both lucasfilm and sanrio, I think you better not whistle past the graveyard!
I fear not the grey-clad lawyers of doom.
Artistic freedom and all that!
Actually, I'm wearing black today.
Yay for the SideDish sighting! Come back, Sidey, we miss you!
I always thought you were supposed to whistle past graveyards.
Or shag in them. One or the other...Neither looks good at funeral, that's fersure.
My order of Kitfisto T's arrived today. Here is a photo of my little-spoiler-of-other's-plane-rides modelling one.
That's awesome.
Never too young to go over to the dark side!
Looks like a seat-back kicker, fer sher, yep. Sedate!
Well done. Always liked seeing kids oblivious to their own coolness.
Luv it! Just don't ever let the child have to travel alone or next to strange men and kitfisto it is Christmas and I work with cargo one more Hello Kitty will make me vomit I neeeeeeeed the shirt! Ordering VERY soon
I totally admire the brave non-use of punctuation in that, er, sentence.
If only I knew what it meant!
Breathe fly, breathe!!
Hey, koko, ya big lug!
Haven't ripped the piss out of you in a while. Say something stupid.
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