November 09, 2005

The Phantom Time Hypothesis - I read about this a couple of years ago but only had a .pdf document about it.

It's nonsense, of course, but would make an interesting basis for an alternate-universe fiction story, nay?

  • I'm imagining a sequel to Timecop. If anyone wants me, I'll be locked in the basement with a year's supply of Monster Munch.
  • If it really is 1708, may I interest you in some extremely rare Queene Anne IKEA furniture at knock-down prices?
  • Ok, ok, it was me all along. I stole your 297 years, and I would have gotten away with it if it were'nt for you meddling kids....
  • could certainly reduce costs in middle history faculties across the world. go on, half of you get out now. and take those dusty books with you. also, 297 years! and 2 = 9 - 7! and 7 - 2 = 5!!! coincidence!?! i think so
  • Seems to me that these guys could have a reasonably succesful cottage industry selling 1708 calendars to meme happy bloggers.
  • Pshaw. All of you still locked into your 3-D conception of Time. Join the Time Cube Revolution. . no I didn't put in the links 'cuz we've all seen them a hunnert times
  • Funny how a Eurocentric theory like this neglects all of the other written histories that exist from the middle east, northern Africa, Asia, etc. -- especially those by Muslims, which have events that correspond to those in European written histories. Complete bunk. But fascinating never-the-less.
  • Not to mention the fact that the Romans knew their calendar was messed up, and corrected it occasionally . . . which would explain the discrepency in days missing.
  • The Y2K bug! It lives! Pity I'll be dead.
  • This explains the mysterious lack of flying cars in the year 2000.
  • Is there a way that this makes me younger? 'Cause if so, I'm totally behind it.
  • I feel so... retconned.
  • The other problem (with such assertions as "Otto wanted to reign in the year 1000") is the fact that until the 16th century, most places used local calendar, and the world was a "patchwork of historical eras".
  • I fail to see what this has to do with the soon-to-be-released Mike Gasman movie, "Chupacabra!" which tells the eerie, slapstick story of a mystic potato from the future that only speaks in gurgly bong-like noises.
  • fimbulvetr, I thought the same thing about other cultures' records and matching up with western events and chronologies. I mean, Europe wasn't that isolated, after all...
  • It's an interesting idea, but like many conspiracy theories (and this is TOTALLY a conspiracy theory), it breaks down simply because too many people would have had to be all in on it, from all over Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, where every decent-sized city would have had their own astronomer/astrologers and kept calendars and journals for things like eclipses, and the like.
  • I have this theory that when I binge drink and subsequently "time-travel" to the next day, the ink drawings of penises and "GAY BOY" on my face were put there by fraud historians that were trying to make me believe that those hours of the night actually happened. When, in fact, and I know this, these hours are routinely stolen during inebriation by goblins that I give life to by drinking. These goblins, incidentally, are the "turd-burglars" who steal the poo when you flush your toilet. As you can see, it is a Kafka-esque world we live in that is rife with fraud historians and turd-burglars.
  • and Profit!
  • Does this mean I'm going to have to go through that break-up with Mary Anne all over again? Drag.
  • Nickdanger, I prefer Hypertime.
  • And that's why I don't read comic books any more.
  • . . and several butcher's aprons. And now, for something completely different.