November 05, 2005

Best Publicity Stunt Ever or More Proof of Extreme Weirdness? Vincent Gallo has an offer up on his website to sell his sperm and the costs of in-vitro fertilization for $1 million.

However, there are some strings attached: You can't use the surname Gallo, and he reserves the rights to refuse sale based on race: Mr. Gallo maintains the right to refuse sale of his sperm to those of extremely dark complexions. Though a fan of Franco Harris, Derek Jeter, Lenny Kravitz and Lena Horne, Mr. Gallo does not want to be part of that type of integration. He's also offering a discount to natural blondes and/or people related to "German soldiers of the mid-century." Gallo's sense of humor/public persona is such that I can't tell when he's pulling our leg. At any rate, this adds a level of strangeness to his image.

  • Under the laws of the Jewish faith, a Jewish mother would qualify a baby to be deemed a member of the Jewish religion. This would be added incentive for Mr. Gallo to sell his sperm to a Jew mother, his reasoning being with the slim chance that his child moved into the profession of motion picture acting or became a musical performer, this connection to the Jewish faith would guarantee his offspring a better chance at good reviews and maybe even a prize at the Sundance Film Festival or an Oscar. Ha! I heard this on the news first thing this morning. I don't know if he is a mad genius or an insane egomaniac. I rather imagine it's a little of both. I still haven't seen Brown Bunny due to poor reviews although I have been sorely tempted every time I get a movie. Anyone seen it? Was it as bad as everyone says? Seriously, though, I don't know how he carries that ego around without having terrible back problems.
  • Ewwwww, Vincent Gallo spooge! /cartman
  • Who is Vincent Gallo?
  • Apparently he's a wanker.
  • And he's an independent film-maker, among other things. Oh yeah, with a HUGE ego, just in case you missed that part.
  • Will Chloe Sevigny be involved in the, eh, 'extraction' of the substance? cheap shot, I know...
  • He's a racist whacko, that's who he is.
  • That Vincent Gallo is a real classy guy.
  • Will Chloe Sevigny be involved in the, eh, 'extraction'... Probably not...I imagine she's still pissed at Gallo over the $500,000 bill she got for retroactive sales.
  • Buffalo 66 was one of the worst movie I've ever seen. And also, to quote a commenter on my site, "if Vincent Gallo is 'drug and alcohol free,' I will eat my hat."
  • Yeah, I couldn't tell if this was some sort of elaborate joke or proof of a breakdown. Still, ew.
  • He's no Crispin Glover.
  • I would totally buy Crispin Glover's sperm.
  • "I'm your density... I mean... your destiny."
  • Ooookaaaay... /sits further way from Nickdanger
  • Well, yeah, Crispin Glover can radiate weirdness from 100 yards away without having to resort to pretend to like Nazis. He wins.
  • Who's Vincent gallo think he beepin' is? Salvidor Dali? And may I add that's the most beepin' expensive hand job I've ever heard of.
  • My donkey wants to have Vinnie's babies. Can you guys help come up with the money??
  • Buffalo 66 was one of the worst movie I've ever seen. You must have not seen a lot of movies. It wasn't that bad.
  • One thing I don't get...why is anyone surprised or even annoyed that someone creative who performs in public has a huge ego? You have to have some kind of ego to support any ambition to say to the world; "This is what is important to me, and I'm going to prove why it should be important to you". If you think you're worthless and so your art is worthless, it's a pretty hard sell to anybody else. Please note; size of ego and degree of talent are not linked, and nor should they be; getting it out there is ego's job, not talent's. Also, the degree to which you're publically talking about the importance of your work is not indicative of the size of your ego either. Only some choose to go that way, and those are the ones that annoy other people.
  • Yeah, but where's the rule that you have to be an asshole?
  • I'm not saying he isn't an asshole. That's something else. I'm talking about ego.
  • big ego = asshole ? I say yea.
  • I think there's confidence and then there's arrogance. Confidence is knowing you're good and that you can accomplish your goals. Confidence is justified. Arrogance is thinking you're the greatest and everyone else can just go to hell. Arrogance doesn't need any sort of actual skill or talent behind it (though there can be!). It's arrogance that makes you an ass, not confidence.
  • big ego = asshole ? Is Mohammed Ali an asshole? How about Kanye West? Salvador Dali? Picasso? I'm not saying it makes you the most popular or likeable kid on the block...but big ego = asshole is ridiculous.
  • I'm just saying anyone I know with a big ego is also an asshole. Coincidence? Also, with the exception of Mr. West whose work I do not know, all of those mentioned were very talented. Most of the big egos I know have no talent.
  • Please note; size of ego and degree of talent are not linked, and nor should they be; getting it out there is ego's job, not talent's. I'm saying creativity takes ego; talent or not; asshole human being or not. You can probably get yourself to your shift as a tollbooth attendant without too much that with going onstage, having an art opening, or getting backers for an indie film. Also, the people I noted are are talented and well-known; there are zillions who are talented and unknown but wouldn't serve as particularily good examples...because nobody knows who they are.
  • I see how a big ego helps, but I don't think they're necessary. Assholes are assholes and my experience is that people with big egos are assholes. I think . . . I dunno . . . Jimmy Carter is probably a decent guy but does he have a big ego? Was Jesus an asshole? After all, nobody's bigger than Jesus. WJAA?
  • That why I like outsider art. They were doing it for themselves.
  • Well, I'm neither surprised nor annoyed by Gallo's ego. Merely amazed that he doesn't have more to back it up. I can accept ego as a necessity for some people to produce.....whatever....but some people are completely delusional. Gallo, I believe, may one of them.
  • I agree. Gallo's off his nut.
  • Is Mohammed Ali an asshole? How about Kanye West? Salvador Dali? Picasso? I'd say you'd have to talk to the people who truly know them. I bet there were more than a few women who thought Picasso was a womanizing asshole. But your point is well taken.
  • I can see moneyjane's point, though. When I used to play music my teachers told me I was pretty talented, but I lacked the necessary self confidence to go out there on stage and kick ass. I would always get too scared and screw it up. I think if I played music *now* (after an absence of over 10 years) I'd be better at it because I have waaaay better self esteem.
  • Picasso was definitely an asshole.
  • Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole.
  • (until now)
  • Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole. Not like you.
  • You know how to tell if your woman realllllly loves you? I am astonished that my Google Cadabra could find no record of this infamous line.
  • *can't decide if this is poo-flinging or fun* *Decides to hand out kitty cat pictures anyway*
  • This is fun. Cats, by the way, are definitely assholes.
  • Yeah, but the point is, Picasson was a genius first, and an huge asshole second. Any mention of Gallo usually starts off with a reference to how weird or arrogant he is. Why? Because his irrelevant and forgettable films aren't enough to sustain his reputation, unlike, say, Errol Morris(Who could be an asshole for all I know.). "Buffalo 66" won't ring a lot of bells. "That weird mangy rat faced dude who gave Roger Ebert cancer and got head from that skanky chick who can't dress herself" will though. He's an arthouse*snicker* Paris Hilton, who must pursue the no-talent consolation prize of sideshow infamy. Appropriately, those two titans of mediocrity have collaborated[NSFW].
  • big ego = asshole ? Is Mohammed Ali an asshole? no, but he played one on the telly.
  • Is egotism and assoholism really the same thing? It's just conjecture at that point, I'd guess...
  • From the Bernockle Dictionary (11th edition) Asshole -- person who puts others down or treats them with disrespect to inflate own sense of worth. Big Ego -- person who inflates own sense of worth at the expense of other people.
  • 'kyou. 'sallimsayin. Right amount of self esteem: yes Big ego: nnnotsomuch. Blurry line? Ohyeah.
  • drjimmy, just want to make sure you know I was just continuing the song....
  • Sooooooooooo.... What was wrong with the other 10 editions, Bernockle?
  • Vincent Gallo made him burn them. And filmed it.
  • Gallo is always doing crazy stuff like that! I'll bet he charges a million dollars to see the undeveloped film stock too.