November 04, 2005

The Monkey Quiz Can you beat the monkeys?
  • Your Final Quiz Score: 42 right out of a possible 60 The Monkey's Final Score: 8 right out of 60 You asserted your intellectual superiority brilliantly! The monkey is now left contemplating his own inferiority. Where others have failed to claim the mantel of unequivocal dominance over lesser species, you have truly succeeded! Congratulations on besting the ape and reaffirming the capabilities of the human mind. You have done mankind proud. You scored in the 93rd percentile. If any sports or pop culture questions had came up I'd probably have went down in flames.
  • Wow, I bested one of the lower primates. Guess we showed him whose boss.
  • Your Final Quiz Score: 30 right out of a possible 60 The Monkey's Final Score: 15 right out of 60 Well done, you have sent the monkey to his defeat. Your score is unquestionably higher, and thus the lowly monkey has been proven once again to be humankind's intellectual inferior. Good work, however your score does leave room for improvement. We should like to see the human dominate even more completely! Actually, I punched the monkey when the quiz guy wasn't looking to reduce his score. I win! You scored in the 70th percentile. (70% of quiz takers scored worse than you)
  • Whoa! I thought my 88th percentils was a disaster, since my trivia is out of date.
  • So....WHO'S the boss?
  • I beat the monkey.