November 04, 2005

Feline Friday Flash Foolishness
  • Cat stacking is wrong.
  • Oh, so wrong. Cat stacking is wrong in the best of ways. Thanks islander
  • Woo-hoo! That *is* good fun. Love all the hissing.
  • huh. i always wondered what they were good for...
  • Had to stop at level 16, got 198,850... soo addicting.
  • It seems to be impossible to actually die
  • Cat stacking is wroooong! o oO oOo ooo
  • Puyo Puyo is definitely the best tetris clone... but this is... meh.
  • Someone please explain "meh" to me. Where did it come from? Why do we say it so often? Is it said with a sheep-like bleat, or does it simply erupt with rancor from the lips of the speaker? How many for a dollar? What if you tire before it's done? /meh-tafilter
  • it's from the Simpsons.
  • I guess I should've figured that.
  • I'd never seen it on the Simpsons, but I've used it for ages because it's the perfect sound to express utter disinterest or apathy. Does it count as onomatopeia?
  • Best said with a shrug, and perhaps a slight cock of the head. "How do you like the new season of Boston Legal? *shrug* "...meh."
  • *makes a 'meh' with a bleating sound* *finds it hilarious* *will probably do it in real life, on random occasions* and what a profound statement: finding things blasé or underwhelming is in fact just following the herd irony is the new conformity
  • ...feh...
  • I vote for a return to "Bah! Humbug."
  • Cats are not for stacking
  • Not sure about "meh", but I've been using "eh" for ages
  • Cats are not for stacking funny pictures
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