November 04, 2005

Curious LA Eatin' George Hello, I'm going to be in Los Angeles next week for a conference. I know squat about the city. It's happening downtown at the Convention Center and I'm staying at the Holiday Inn(City Center). My question is: what are good, cheap places to eat that are within walking distance (10-15 minutes) from there? My schedule's going to be busy so I can't spend too much time in transit plus I don't plan to get a car. Also, on my last day there I might want to try something fancier. Any suggestions for that also?
  • Good for breakfast, open always, cheap enough, and literally walking distance (at Figueroa & 9th) - Original Pantry. I can think of better downtown options, but you would need to take a cab or maybe hop on the DASH for a quarter. That would get you out to Civic Center, Little Tokyo or Chinatown where there are more options.
  • going to be in Los Angeles...I don't plan to get a car Did you forget what city you were going to? ;) Actually there's quite a bit downtown, and close to there. At least for lunching, there are a couple of food courts downtown. I usually end up at 7th+Fig, which is exactly where you'd think it would be. I assume you're at the H. Inn at Olympic & Fig, so that's 3 blocks. There's also a food court under Macy's at 8th & hope, and under the arco/bofa towers at 5th & flower. During the day you can also use the DASH buses around downtown. Despite some combination of living and working downtown for 4 years, I've never used them - but I hear they're good. And I know they're cheap. I'd think DASHing over to little tokyo would be the best bet for more interesting food - tons of japanese and chinese down there, including my favorite sushi place ever. Nighttime downtown is harder. There's very little between "crap" and "nice restaurant", especially if you're not driving. DASH stops running relatively early, so getting to little tokyo might be tough. But if you can get over there, and you like sushi, don't miss Sushi Gen, hidden away in Honda Plaza on 2nd and Alameda. Closer to where you are for good dinner out is Nick & Stef's, a pretty yummy steak place, and Cafe Pinot, your basic foofy place. Both are run by the Patina Group, and their website will of course have more info.
  • Speaking of LA, whatever happened to squidranch? /derail
  • Haven't heard from squiddy since the "Talk Like A Pirate Day" meetup. I'll drop him a line to see what's up. SB: when are you here? A few of us LA residents are going to San Francisco on either Thursday or Friday, but dinner might be a possibility one night brfore then.
  • Meetup! Meetup! If that were to happen, one of us could give you a ride now that MoFiLA car ownership has approached 100%.
  • Long ago I ate at David's, or Ye Me Loo, in chinatown. . .a very old place with pics of stars on the wall. .I thought that it was very good. . .the other place that comes to mind is Stottlemeyer's sandwich place somewhere around there. . . I am an ex-pat angeleno though and have not lived there for almost 30 years. . .
  • Thanks guava and flaterik! I will check those places out! Much appreciated. Bone, Mandyman, I'm coming in on Thursday Nov 10 and buzzing out the Wednesday after. I can make it to a meetup on Tuesday Nov 15th if that's a good time!
  • Here's what hutta had to say about downtown, in response to another conference-goer's query. I just remembered that my sister's birthday dinner last month was at a pan-Latin sort of place called Ciudad (near 5th & Figueroa) that might fill a need for "something fancier." It had good mojitos anyway. I'm not bony, nor mandyman, and thus a bit unsure if you are suggesting a MoFi meetup or a you-three meetup, but if it's the former I could probably make Tuesday night!
  • I'm down for a MoFi meetup on the 15th. Good times.
  • Ah, I hope you all choke on the scrumptious food and pass out from the delicious drinks and make fools of yourselves on Medusa's after party have a good time... : )
  • Sorry for the confusion guava, i was talking general meetup on the 15th! The only issue is logistics. How do i meet up with you guys?
  • Hi StoryBored! Are you still in LA and still interested in a meetup? Is anyone else, for that matter? Given mandyman's calculations, someone could give you a ride. Or we could all meet somewhere fabulous within walking distance that you've discovered during your stay (if such place exists). Or, if you're here on the 17th, you could attend this meetup.
  • Yo Guava, sad not to meet up with you guys. We were swamped timewise and I wasn't able to get on the Net in time to see your post. Next time! As it turned out your advice was spot on and much appreciated. A couple of us went to the Original Pantry. I ordered a #3 for breakfast which was so big, i skipped lunch that day. Har! Also flaterik, your Patina Group recommendation led to Zucca, a fancier Italian restaurant with great food that just happened to be a block away from the Or. Pantry. Was also gonna try the Golden Gopher but couldn't find it in the phone book....
  • Oh yeah, got to mention for future visitors to LA, if you're a book lover, check out the fabulous LA Public Library on Hope Street. Ten minute walk from the LA Convention Center. It good.