October 29, 2005

Ninja New York restaurant review: "Yelping Warriors, and Rocks in the Broth". "An American offshoot of a restaurant in Tokyo, Ninja intends to evoke a Japanese mountain village inhabited by ninjas, a special breed of stealthy warriors. In this case they come armed not only with swords and sorcery but also with recipes, which may be their most dangerous weapons of all..." (via the Livejournal community food_porn)
  • Are you allowed to stab the waitstaff if they make any mistakes? That might make the tab worth it. Bloody ridiculous.
  • Do they commit Seppuku if you get a bit of a dirty fork?
  • Heh! I bet they serve cheese and wear clogs and grow tulips out their ass!
  • Oh wait wrong stereotype. Sorry.
  • Two-lips huh?
  • Mmmhh, imagine a brazilian Rodizio served by a ninja... 'the Hattori Hanzo special'... yummy.
  • Wow. Even the original one in Tokyo was supposed to be pretty bad. Had a chance to go over the summer with some hostelmates (but turned it down). The reviews scared even the guy who brought a copy of "Real Ultimate Power" with him.
  • Cool, really cool. i'd love to go there. The deadly arts aren't something that should be taken so lightly though.
  • What's next, Samurai tailors? Is this po-pomo? How many fingers am I holding up?