October 27, 2005

There's a Defence for Democracies . And a Foundation no less. The upcoming debate is at Trinity College Dublin. “This house believes that George W. Bush is a danger to world stability.”
  • Yes, I agree GW is a major problem and worthy of worldwide fear and loathing. But, please, tell me when has the world ever been stable? What is world stability?
  • Stable is relative but, as I see it, when you have what has generally been considered the most powerful country in the world falling apart because of its' leader, that is grounds enough to assume that that instability will have repurcussions around the world. Which has already proven to be so. I realize that many people would not think that the U.S. is falling apart, but in many, many ways we are and BushCo have done nothing but perpetuate that and then some. And as far as our world status, well, I don't believe we have ever been viewed so poorly as we are now. You know things are bad when many Americans view America almost as evil as so much of the rest of the world does.