October 27, 2005

One of Vietnam's oldest whale temples is to be upgraded. The temple dates from the eighteenth century. No doubt it features strongly in the whale festival. The Vietnamese also take any opportunity to worship whales al fresco.
  • Al fresco? or al fredo? Oh the Vietnamese have nothing on those whacky Norsemen. Cool post, though Plegs. USians need more exposure to southeast Asia. Ask the average American if s/he can tell you what the capital of Vietnam is, the answer will assuredly be: No Hué, mon.
  • More than a thousand people [...] have journeyed to burn incense near the whale carcass Not so much as worship, but to hide the INCREDIBLE STENCH. Thanks for the post, Pleg ... I had no idea the Vietnamese (whose capital is Hanoi) worshipped the whale.
  • It's "the locality’s oldest altar of worship dedicated to the whale" and thus far superior to all those tacky drive-through whale shrines that spring up nowadays.
  • My mouth is watering, you people.
  • they named it san diago... which, of course, in German means a whales vagina
  • Um, being your official overly officious monkey, I have to say, if you don't really have anything to say, don't say anything at all. Except in eeked threads. Over, and out.
  • Dunno how I missed it. Maybe this goes here. Report: Blue whale ancestor was no gentle giant