February 17, 2004

The biggest diamond in the universe. A couple of days too late for Valentines day, though.
  • [Star sized banana... implodes and becomes black hole banana... sucks Zemat]
  • So, when we going to go find that diamond in the centre of Jupiter, then? (I mean, they even called it Lucy...) By the way, well done to the BBC graphics department for that picture of a diamond in the middle of a planet. Good work, lads.
  • "Tis a long road from Tipperary to this world of rugged carbon. Wonder if monkeys will ever get out there. *sigh* I suppose if we do, though, someone will try to claim it and cut it into facets.
  • "Our Sun will become a diamond that truly is forever," says Metcalfe. "You would need a jeweller's loupe the size of the Sun to grade this diamond!" Astronomers have decided to call the star "Lucy," after the Beatles song, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." Could these guys be any geekier?
  • I dunno... They didn't link the thing to an Arthur C Clarke book. I mean, to do that would be pretty damn geeky. Yup. Pretty geeky.
  • Apparently, all these worlds are ours. Oh, except Europa. We should...er.. not do something, hang on, I wrote it down somewhere...
  • ... attempt no gambling there? ... umm, wait ... attend no NAMBLA fair? No, that's not right ...
  • ... attempt no joining to their community weblog?
  • I think the graphic is from this Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics press release - and it did in fact arrive in time for Valentine's day - and the diamond has already been given to me. (No, really - I got an email on Feb 14 from my fiance, offering it to me - isn't that so geeky? he's so cool)