October 24, 2005

Celebrity lookalikes. Hours of fun.

A lot of these are UK-centric, but there's bound to be something for everyone. Some aren't bad. Most are rubbish. But some are just brilliant. For all the wrong reasons

  • Fun.... Did anyone besides me come to the "Jaws" listing and expect a shark look-a-like and wonder why that was there...and then feel like an idiot after you clicked on it.. I also wondered how tall the Danny DiVito look-a-like was......
  • Is there much work these days for a Raisa Gorbachev lookalike? Probably made easier by the fact that none of us can remember what she looked like in the first place anyhow.
  • My god! She does look like her though! I can feel an 80s 'Glasnost' themed party coming on...
  • Some of them were OK, but this one's just awful.
  • And what's wrong with her face?
  • To me this guy would better pass as Bill Murray. Sort of. He looks nothing like Peter Sellers! I always thought Scott Thompson made a great queen.
  • I like the ones who happen to look like the actual people, as opposed to the ones who are dressing up and trying to look like the actual people.
  • Maybe if they gave him the right hair...
  • My college boyfriend looked a lot like Prince, and was also able to sing like him. I suppose I shouldn't be admitting that.
  • Hahaha probably not.
  • Dweeb.
  • Dweeb Now THERE'S a great word I haven't heard in a while!
  • Oh, to have to shave your eyebrows to look like Spock, and go through the rest of your waking life looking like that. At the supermarket, pumping gas... "Yo! Live long and prosper, asshole!"
  • Yeah? And may the force be with YOU, sh*t-head! *Buys Ginsters Pastie for the journey*
  • Now I'm depressed*. Thanks kitfisto. * Cuz there's no Mr. T.
  • BTW, I thought "Jaws" was "Jews" and literally spent a half hour trying to figure out the whole metal teeth thing.
  • I pity the fool.
  • /perks up.
  • Nice.
  • These are awful.
  • Who? What country is this from? Nowheresica?
  • Dear Lord. What must it be like to go through your life impersonating Gary Glitter? Being a Marilyn Monroe or Robert Redford lookalike, now there's something you can take a bit of pride in, and some of the people looking at you are looking at you because you are an attractive person. But... Gary Glitter? Do people hire him to team up with a John Wayne Gacy impersonator to frighten wayward pre-teens?
  • What? Maybe its YOU that doesn't make sensw.
  • No, q, that's actually really good advice for the desert-loving eskimos who read this site. Thank you.
  • Hey, I carry four pounds of lead in my ass because I was fighting in the jungles of Oklahoma just so you can make sensw, buddy! So don't tell me I'm not making sensw! I'm finishin' my coffee . . . Yup . . enjoyin' my coffee
  • I was totally thinking the same thing. Eerie.
  • I thought he said "dessert-Eskimos". Desert-Eskimos makes much more sensw.
  • Oh Great. England. Boy, that's all we need.
  • The dessert-Esquimeaux of baked Alaska. Heh. I said "baked."
  • There is a special place in Hell for this guy.
  • The celebrity circus is full of freaks.
  • There is a special place in Hell for this guy. Aaigh! Bad Zanshin! Go back to your bowel!
  • Everyone looks like someone else! Telly Savalas=Leonard Cohen Albert Einstein=Kurt Vonnegut Vinnie Jones=Clive Owen Neil Diamond=Harvey Weinstein Bob Dylan=Lou Reed & My Dad's Love Child David Bowie=Clay Aiken in 25 years, moments before being booed off the stage at the Kanbraska State Fair. However, if I reverse it and imagine that they're actually who I think they resemble pretending to be whomever they're actually supposed to resemble, it's hilarious! Lenard Cohen answering the phone while masquerading as Telly Savalas! Now that's something I can get behind!!!
  • Who would you rather be behind, Telly or Leonard?
  • Telly, any day. Who loves ya, baby?
  • This will give me nightmares.
  • Heh, Michael Jackson wishes he looked like that.