October 20, 2005

Strooth! A long way from Earls Court.
  • The BBC seem a bit confused - Australia and Brazil? And 'His is not thought to be a pet as he is feral.' What a terrible sentence, not at all what we expect from Aunty. Seem a bit rough, though - as soon as the poor thing shows its face, it gets bagged in a net and banged up in a zoo.
  • He was trying to score some rock.
  • Here in these here yoo-nahted staytes we haves a diff-ren' kahnd uh possum, see. We call it 'n O'possum, most times. Kinna' crazy tuh think uh a silly ol' 'possum makin' the news.
  • That's one nasty looking opossum, stripe. Looks like it's ready to attack.
  • I call the big one "Bitey"
  • Boffins. Hee hee. Boffins. Where do they live in their feral state?
  • I think that's Texas, isn't it? (disclaimer: the above is definitely not, nor should it be construed as an attempt to "mess" with Texas. Except in the case where it is, a little bit. Maybe.)
  • Fuck Texas! I've been there and it is a shit hole! Bring it on!