February 17, 2004
The Hole-In-The-Wall:
an experiment in Minimally Invasive Education.
Holy wow! That's an incredibly creative use of computers. I'd like to see it replicated wherever possible. They're curious, George, and don't need us to get them started. Too bad we don't learn to read as easily.
Amusing quotes from one of the papers: -- "People have tried and learned to
The most liked/ visited site are - disneyblast.com , MTVonline. I didn't see it anywhere on the site -- what sites do they provide links to? I can't imagine they could tell much from pre-provided sites (especially when they're cached and therefore static and only fun the first time). Just curious.
Another great story from India: Barefoot, female and a solar engineer.
Wheels of hope bring Internet to villagers
India launches world's first education satellite
Eggshells In Thar Desert
All excellent links, homunculus! Encouraging to read about people helping themselves out of poverty and ignorance. These are great --Thanks.
Given Tablets but No Teachers, Ethiopian Children Teach Themselves
Thi sis world-changing. I've been investing time and money in the tablet medium for a year or two, and can see how its interface can bypass the old school keyboard/screen/mouse triumverate, so kids (and adults) aren't blocked by the "I don't know anything about computers" can get taught easily. There aren't enough teachers to provide the one-on-one ideal, but here's a way.