October 17, 2005

The Aberree was a 'zine, or newletter, published from 1954 through 1965. The Aberree shows that convention and uniformity weren't the whole story of the 50s, by a long shot. It also shows that Scientology, which has grown famous for its attempts to silence dissent and criticism, was trying to squelch debate 50 years ago ... with similarly ineffective tactics.
  • I like how The Aberree link led me to Operation Clambake, which quickly led me to Tom Cruise Is Nuts, which ultimately led me to Where In The World Is Jesus, thereby saving my ass. *bows to Rev. Christian Mockery* The covers are great! According to Edgar Cayce, the famous clairvoyant, many cities of the United States are destined to DROP INTO THE OCEAN sometime within the next 60 years. Some people will obtain clues to provide them with advance warnings of this catastrophe; others will declare such a happening impossible up until within a few minutes of the actual occurrence. *believes Prophet Yahweh now*
  • Great find!