April 24, 2005

Random facts about Vin Diesel. The site went down for a bit due to heavy traffic. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.

"All Spell Checkers are actually mini Vin Diesels inside your computer. This is possible due to the fact that when Vin Diesel is cut into pieces each piece becomes a smaller and more verbose Vin Diesel."

  • "Vin Diesel cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred."
  • "Vin Diesel is the founding member of The National Bank of Scotland."
  • Let's hope it doesn't go down, dear God, this is vital stuff.
  • Childish nonesense posted by a moron. Don't post again.
  • "Vin Diesel is Keyser Soze" Oh man. I have to get back to work.
  • "Vin Diesel invented hip hop." At least they got that right. (.wmv)
  • Bobby Turner's FPPs are much better.
  • Bobby Turner sounds like a douchebag.
  • "Vin Diesel's mood has an affect on the Earth's gravitational pull." Heh.
  • "Vin Diesel wrote the song 'I got you babe', but sold it to Sonny and Cher for 500 gold doubloons and the rights to Cher's face. This is Vin's most prized possession, and after much reconstructive surgery, the end result is an exact replica of a self portrait Vin made, aged 8."
  • Vin Diesel created Bobby Turner using only an old piece of sputum, a sheep's lung,and a colour photocopier.
  • OK, people, it's not as funny when you do it. In fact, it wasn't that funny to begin with.
  • If anyone has any further comments to make in this thread, please refer them in the first instance to [email protected], who will pass the Golden Ruler over them and adjudicate on their worth and/or suitability for inclusion in this thread accordingly. Your compliance in this matter is appreciated.
  • /finger
  • /fist
  • /growthontheheadofmypecker
  • Please stop enjoying yourselves. It makes me feel so very small.
  • I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if Bobby Turner hadn't told me not to.
  • Anags. = "die snivel", "idle veins", "ned is evil", "dine elvis".
  • "I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if Bobby Turner hadn't told me not to." Which proves my point - you're moron.
  • No, I moron. You Jane.
  • Bobby Turner is so punk. She's definitely the next Chuck Norris, or maybe even Corey Feldman.
  • Wow, Bobby Turner just had a daisy_may-esque, "retardedly calling out the admin" moment. The irony of him calling someone a moron, and yet making a grevious grammatical error as he did so, only heightens my enjoyment of this exchange.
  • I want to marry Bobby Turner. All you morons are invited.
  • Bobby Turner just had a daisy_may-esque, "retardedly calling out the admin" moment Yabbut he's an admin himself.
  • Now I'm really confused.
  • I would just like to get on this thread, so I can say i was here before it got famous. because it has the feel of one that will go down in history.
  • ?
  • %
  • ^
  • Bobby Turner is an asshole.
  • Is it me or is Bbby Trner missing a ltter?
  • i dnt gt it.
  • o?
  • ys
  • You're abbreviation.
  • you sick fucks!
  • At the next stop... I'm gettin' off this crazy thread!
  • Vin Diesel = Bill Braskey? Monkeyfilter: all you morons are invited.
  • Hi Fes!
  • Hey Quid!
  • Sneh!
  • Hey Fes, I was just wondering where you were last night. How's it?
  • Better. Took a coupla weeks off from posting. Had a patch of personal and professional tetchiness, two-three disturbances in the Force, was making me snippy. I took care of business, assumed the lotus and levitated a bit, kicked a puppy, reinvoked my iron discipline and will, and have thus returned to my normal level of unflappability.
  • Bobby Turner has posted 0 links and 3 comments on MonkeyFilter since November 16, 2004. Two of them are in this thread. The other appears to be this one. Who knows where he'll strike next? Welcome back Fes...I was wondering where you'd gotten to
  • Bobby Turner is in love with Vin Diesel and hates to see him made the subject of fun. If the Vodka Pipeline wasn't real, it should have been.
  • BTW: I don' geddit. What are we administering here?
  • The question is -- whose sockpuppet is Bobby?
  • Someone with no manners, obviously.
  • Daisy_May 2:Bobby Turner Overdrive
  • Do not bother The Bobby. The Bobby knows what is right. The rest of you get back in your filthy fun-filled holes. The Bobby is against The Fun and for The Wedgie of Grump.
  • *sherlock holmes music*
  • I see your Wedgie of Grump and raise you an Extreme Wedgie of UltraDoom +5 Seething Shields. I put on my robe and wizard's hat.
  • I see your Wedgie of Grump and raise you an Extreme Wedgie of UltraDoom +5 Seething Shields. Dayamn! That is some serious seriousness! However...behold the godawfulness that is...the Never-Ending Thing in Your Eye You Cannot Find + 7 Wildly Uncomfortable Girl Problems!
  • filthy fun-filled holes MJ, have you thought about writing for porn sites?
  • Do not taunt Bobby Turner Ball?
  • MonkeyFilter: +7 Wildly Uncomfortable Girl Problems
  • Damn, I thought this thread said "Random farts of Vin Diesel" and accordlingly stayed the fuck away. Or maybe you didn't invite me but I see things are rolling right along. My elf pins up a Farrah Fawcett poster. that's a euphemism y'know
  • pete's joke is elf-explanatory.
  • ACTUAL fact about Vin Diesel: HUGE D&D Player! Hail Melkor!
  • I think the fact that Vin Diesel played D&D is frigging awesome, but somewhere along the way he failed his saving throw vs. "being cast in shitty movies."
  • Is that a will save or a reflex save?
  • Fucked if I know. Is that a third edition thing? I just remember rolling d20s when, like, dragons breathed on me and shit, and that was that. There's no school like the old school, baby. 1ST EDITION 4 LYFE!!!
  • i got a one-sided die but we never use it 'cause you know what it's going to come up. is the monstah manual online? cause that would be cool. I'm not sure what box i put mine in.