October 23, 2004

October Surprise? About a week to go, thank &deity;. Theresa Nielsen Hayden thinks that Dubya's upcoming weekend trip to his ranch in Texas is really a cover for a trip to pick up Osama. What do we monkeys think?
  • Can't be. Hell hasn't closed its competition yet. You can't capture Osama bin Goldstein. He'd lose all his value.
  • Well now there's a site full of people quietly fap-fap-fapping to the pale glow of their monitors as they make up one fantasy after another. What hopeless utter twaddle.
  • If Osama was captured alive long ago, they would have to kill him just prior to going public. Otherwise, Osama would be able to tell the world he has been held in jail for months. So, any October Osama Surprise will involve a dead Osama. The administration can't do the event any other way.
  • It's more likely that the administration will orchestrate events to bring about canceling of the election and establish an emergency police state. If they can instill enough fear, they can do it.
  • The October Surprise has always been a paranoid fantasy. Now get out there and convince your neighbors to vote this guy out already.
  • Nope. Just typical paranoia. If Bush had Usama, he would have shot their wad & dragged him out long before this. This administration *is* twisted, but it is also totally incompetent. holling's suggestion is more along the lines of how these vicious freaks act. Bush is in Crawford, likely, because he is stressed or ill, and they wanna keep it quiet. There's something wrong with the little piece of shit, apart from the personality defects we already all knew about. Either that, or Rove wants to telegraph the idea Chimpy McWarcrime is laid back, relaxed, cool & not worried about his impending failure. I'd love to be a fly on the wall around these guys, I suspect Dubya is falling to pieces right now & gibbering like a junkie in withdrawal. What is it with Democrats & white knuckle fear, anyway? They're like cowed dogs these days, flinching from an imagined blow anytime someone moves to scratch their butt.
  • Wot?!? Catch Osama? And ruin the beautiful friendship between the Bushes and the de Sade Saudis?
  • Which vicious freak you talking about nostril? Bush or Cheney?
  • I think he's going to parachute into Baghdad; in one hand, he will hold a platter containing a Thanksgiving turkey garnished with tiny American flags. In the other, he will have the severed head of Osama bin Laden. On a pike. Attached to him will be speakers blaring Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American". On a serious note, I think Osama's already dead. I think that would explain why he's been suspiciously silent for awhile. His kidneys probably shut down while he was in a cave somewhere.
  • The vicious freaks I was referring to are collectively the BushCo group, Rove, Cheney, Bush, Feith, etc. Horrendous shambling monsters from the Id. None of them, on their own, represent much of a threat, but collectively, they are like a hive organism of grossly twisted malignancy. Although yousa point is well-seen.
  • I'd be shocked if Repubs pulled OBL out of their ass right before the election. I think that them Dems would start an Internets and media wildfire calling for an immediate investigation with regards to the "coincidental" capture of the bastard. If anything, THAT could postpone the election. I think it's far more likely:
    (Dons tinfoil hat) That Bush knows that there is a strong possibility that there will be an attack somewhere in America that he's going to "let" happen to swing voters his way, so he wants to be far away from the east or west coast. Bush's mindset would be if that happens, he'd win for sure, and he would get the "I told you so" points, as his campaign has been warning of this all year. (Removes tinfoil hat) Just my .02... (I think the REAL october surprise would be if the Red Sox win the World Series GO SOX!!)...
  • Too many people would have to be involved in a prolonged silence on the capture of Bin Laden. Someone would chirp. They could do that only for a few days or so.
  • The October Surprise will be the announcement that Bush has personally developed a simple injection which cures The Gay. It's obvious, people. Open your eyes.
  • What is it with Democrats & white knuckle fear, anyway? They're like cowed dogs these days, flinching from an imagined blow anytime someone moves to scratch their butt. Excellent question, Nostril. This defeatist attitude and cheap cynicism is everywhere and I really dont get it. The fact that Bush is polling around 46% means he is in deep deep trouble. And if his people were such masters of planning, would they really have let him sound and look like an idiot in the debates? Wouldn't they have just planted WMDs in Iraq- I still dont understand why they didn't- seems like the easiest thing in the world in post-war chaos. No, his campaign is running scared. I really dont think they were ready for this fight, they really have presented nothing beyond tired "he'll raise taxes" scares.
  • My gay friends tell me that they have a simple injection that will turn me gay.
  • I thought the Chinese caught Osama a while ago and were negotiating to hand him over..?
  • I think the October surprise is that Kerry looks like he might win the election.
  • In the hopes of tying together the two prevailing theories in the thread I offer this: The October surprise is that Osama has plans to turn everyone gay.
  • Democrats have our white knuckle fear because...hmm, let's see: 1. Gore bilked out of 2000 election 2. Administration says things like "watch what you say" and imprisons US citizen Jose Padilla without access to a lawyer. Nobody stops them (yet). 3. Patriot Act 4. Diebold 5. Republican-funded "get out the vote" organizers tear up Democratic registrations in battleground states. 6. US media still seems willing to bend over and take it a great deal of the time. So yeah. I think white-knuckle fear with a dash of paranoia is more than a little justified until these assholes get out of office. So far, we've been screwed by *underestimating* them. We're a little gun shy these days.
  • A friend of mine doesn't think the Bush camp is smart enough to capture bin Laden - not because bin Laden is smart but because Bush et al are so dumb. I was fully expecting bin Laden's "capture" any day now but now I'm not so certain. I'm just ready for this whole clusterfuck of an election year to be over.
  • The Democrats still have a "white-knuckle fear" of the Republicans for the same reason the Red Sox fans still had "white-knuckle fear" of the Yankees when they were 7 runs ahead with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th inning of the 7th game. Anybody wanna compare Kerry bringing out Bill Clinton to campaign for him in the last week to the Sox putting pitcher Pedro Martinez in for the 7th inning in game 7? "Who's Your Bubba?"
  • My gay friends tell me that they have a simple injection that will turn me gay. Surprise!
  • My gay friends tell me that they have a simple injection that will turn me gay. Well, there's a simple, all natural injection that'll turn you gay, if you recieve it in the right place.
  • Even if Usama were captured and delivered right before the election, wouldn't it be obvious that it was a political stunt, and a terribly dangerous one? The longer he is free to operate, the more danger this country is in, presumably; can the Bush administration really afford to seem any more negligent and opportunistic about such important issues?
  • Even if Usama were captured and delivered right before the election, wouldn't it be obvious that it was a political stunt, and a terribly dangerous one? Americans got fooled by Reagan when he used the Iran hostage crisis to steal votes away from Carter. If the masses are dumb enough to fall for that, then presenting bin Laden should be a piece of cake. Hey, aren't the World Series on right now? Or is NFL Sunday? Maybe its Must See Monday. I can't tell what distraction I'm supposed to be paying attention to.
  • Er, Alex, Kickerbocker, that was the joke that I was intending. Glad at least a couple of people got it.
  • Knickerbocker, I mean.
  • Hart has a pretty good track record of predicting bad things.
  • Well as long as BushCo isn't taking responsibility for anything except being an amazing action hero why not? Sure. Invade Poland while we're at it. And you thought we forgot Poland!
  • Here's an email I just sent to VP Cheney:[email protected] Dear sir: I noticed several months ago that President Bush had eliminated any option to contact him through email. At the time, it struck me as cowardly, and I still find it so. I'm appreciative that you, as second in command, still allow us to contact you directly. (Yeah, I know you won't actually read this,but perhaps you should.) Out on the internet, there's a report that the Bush administration may be considering attacking Iran: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gary-hart/the-october-surprise_b_30086.html . If this were just another blog, I wouldn't worry, but Huffington has some standing , and Gary Hart isn't just some flash in the pan. If the article expresses the Bush admininsration's intent, I'm aghast! Nothing that the Bush administration has done since the 9/11 attacks has been effective. In fact , every action taken has increased our risk. Look where we are now: secret prisons where we torture prisoners, whether we know that they did bad things or not. A complete abandonment of of national and international codes of conduct, which have always seemed to me to the the best of our way of life. Iraq is out of conrol,. We haven't captured Osama, nor, indeed have we met any expressed goals. We've truyly lost our way. So, are we going to invade Iran? If so, let me predict that it will be an unprecidented disaster, since the Bush administration has shown itself to be incompetent in the Middle East. This is a lame duck presidency, so why don't you just sit back and do some sort of diplomacy to get things back on track? Come to think of it, I have to ask whether you know what "track" is. This is not Halliburton (though the non-competitive awards to them make it see so) and it's not a do-or-die competition for the next contract. It's the government of the United States, which should represent the yearings of its citizens. I don't think any of us have yearned to be where we are today. And, an attack on Iraq only brings up images of disaster, maybe beyond our imaginations. [email protected]
  • Frightening times in which we live! Reading Hart's commentary sends a chill through me (one that I have grown accustomed to during the past couple of years). At any rate, I made this promise to myself last week (I almost made mention of it here, but held back before clicking the "Post new comment" button): If the US attacks Iran, I will no longer reside in the US. And I truly hope none of this becomes reality. I can't imagine...
  • C'mon up, smt! Plenty of room in the Great White North! Koo-roo koo-koo-koo-koo KOO-KOO!
  • I was thinking a bit more tropical Capt., but I will keep all my options open. Hmm, I was born four wee miles from the Canadian border; perhaps they would consider issuing a honorary citizenship? Kookaburra? Oh damn, wrong continent.
  • Then go to the Turks and Caicos! They'll be joining us sooner or later, right?
  • Sweden seems nice...?
  • Sweden seems nice...? It does but then them dang wimmen start talkin that funny talk, an' I cain't hardly unnerstand 'em no how!
  • Funny you mention Sweden Fes. I have long wanted to go there, as my birth mother (whom I have never met, nor know not a lot about) was from Sweden. Never knowing quite where I came from, this is one factual tidbit I have always clung to I suppose. Hmm, perhaps Sweden it is after all!? *clears throat* *throws down an old school yodel*
  • *stirs from deep sleep* GramMa! Let the cat out! Rmnfhszzzz
  • Although it looks like the damn robocalling is the real November Surprise.