September 04, 2004

Curious George: Gmail . I still have five Gmail invitations. Can I sell them on Ebay, or is there a specialized marketplace?
  • There is almost no "marketplace", as you put it. Why not give them away? /has 5
  • Is GMailSwap still up? *checks* Yup. Try them. Dunno if the levels of craziness and offering of sexual favours that once occurred there will still be going on, though, but you can always hope. /has 6
  • There's no marketplace left. Half the people on the 'net have gmail invites now. /has 6 //since when did this become fark?
  • What's fark? /has 18
  • Is this the place to bitch about gmail? Because their spam detection is absolutely terrible. /has 6
  • /fuck testing..testing..testing...
  • I gave a bunch away on gmail swap. Most people (myself included) are giving them away for nothing.
  • What is good about Gmail anyway, anything?
  • Yeah, what Bagpuss said.
  • What is good about gmail: space interface speed (for web based email)
  • I literally couldn't give my invites away. I went back to POP3 and mutt.
  • I love my Gmail. What dng said - it's just great. Also, searchability. And its spam detection seems to be getting better. Loads of people are still keeping their POP3 email, but forwarding everything to their Gmail as well, so using it as a searchable email file store. I've already used 10% of my storage space. Five years before I need to delete, my arse.
  • Still haven't gotten any spam in my gmail account, and I've had it for four months.
  • It's not so much about what's "so good" about gmail (although (direct pop3 compatibility and a couple other features notwithstanding) I was impressed enough to switch to it as my primary email client) The outrageous demand, especially early on, stems more from people dying to grab "prime" email addresses before the teeming masses get access and everyone is forced to start appending random digits and crap to their addresses. Wouldn't you rather be [email protected] than [email protected]? /has 6, after not having any for like a month. I suspect that they're gearing up for launch soon?
  • Yep, gmail is pretty good about spam. /has 6.
  • I'm a relatively new gmail user, but wanted to use the gmail account as a throw-away since my old Yahoo account is being spoofed and gets several daily 41K messages with strange titles or "recipient doesn't exist" kinds of subjects. I managed to keep my main account relatively clean by having a throw-away. Haven't gotten any spam so far on gmail, and will have to wait and seen how the spoofing stuff goes over the next few months. I do like the way gmail organizes mail into conversations, with color coding for each partipant. And, at least at this point, it's handy that they add the sender of a message to the addresses file automatically. Might not be a blessing if the barbarian hoards find a way in later.
  • Love the searchability of it, love the organization. Never had spam, but then, I never do. /has 18
  • No spam. No Nigerians offering millions of bucks, no offers of hot sex, or medicine to elongate what I dun have, etc. Love how I can label everything. Got about seven, eight labels now, and it's nice to see extraneous stuff disappear when I wanna look at a particular subset of my emails. The googling function is awesome. Also, I send my archive mails here from other accounts (thirty-fifty emails in one), and get to see all the emails in a long list. Nice. /has 6
  • Send me 10 bucks and I'll take one of them off your hands. Otherwise, I've got my own solution and even better, it doesn't get scanned for targeted marketing.
  • So let me get this straight. Months ago folks offered to give them away and mofites leaped and howled like the monkeys they are. Now folks are claiming tons of accounts? Or is this some trick to turn this thread into a massive giveaway, who-wants-one-here-you-go hideaway on MonkeyFilter? /has 0
  • I love, love, love gmail, and switched to it as my primary email client almost immediately. The search function and labels are amazing, and I really like the interface. These are my honest feelings, and I'm not just saying this so you'll take invites off of my hands. /has 12
  • Why don't people auction them off on MoFi? The demand appears to be staggering.
  • Is there anybody out there who actually wants one? I make that a grand total of 94 Gmail accounts going spare, and I'm sure we can't use them all up creating silly fake email adresses for ourselves. I'm using the word "sure" quite loosely there, you'll notice. *Goes off to invite himself to create [email protected]*
  • This is about the fourth open "who wants invites" post I've seen out and about, and since I usually frequent teeming-masses sorts of hangouts (no, imagine worse than what you're thinking right now. Then one step worse.) and am the worst of the teeming masses myself... I wouldn't expect much return for 'em, nope. I don't have one, mainly because when it gets to the point where people like me have them, it's pretty much ruined for everyone else. Remember when it made you cool?
  • I've so far donated half my gmail invites to Since gmail has so much storage capacity, it's handy for the men and women in the armed forces. They can receive small movies and lots of pictures from loved ones back home. Apparently, even gmail4troops is saturated with more invites than they currently have service personell requests at the moment, but requests tend to come in waves. I'm just waiting for the next wave.
  • Who needs 1 GB of E-mail storage? Is there someplace perchance that sends pr0n via E-mail or am I missing something?
  • Oh, don't worry Christophine, once the draft kicks in they'll go like hotcakes...
  • rolypolyman, I think the main point of the 1GB storage is that it ties in with the searchability - you don't have 'ever' to delete emails, you can store, label and search them instead. But actually, yeah, I find it's really useful in my job - I regularly have people or companies sending me large image files, and I move between computers and locations a lot, so find a webmail client extremely useful. As I said, I've already taken up over 100MB of space after just over four months - most of that within the past month. Also, it would great for porn, yes. :-)
  • I see -- thanks.
  • I had about 15 but I gave them away. Only narcs go on gmailswap
  • /has 18
  • If there is one thing we can learn from history, it is that for every X, X would be great for porn.
  • GmailFS: the filesystem that used gmail as a backing store.
  • ...for every X, X would be great for porn... tensor is wise. Heed him well.
  • I offered them on AskMe yesterday afternoon, no takers /has 6 (in one of the accounts I'm bothered to check now and then.)
  • Make that 18.
  • Plus 6 more.
  • 6 here, too.
  • Sounds like it'd be rude not to take an invite off someone then, thanks.
  • i'll take one, if anyone wants to get rid of them. just to play around with, see how i like. i've been with hotmail since its inception and now that i have the filters set to exclusive, spam isn't a problem anymore. and i now have as much storage as with gmail, methinks. anyhow, anybody can toss one my way!! *braces to be whapped by many incoming gmail accounts*
  • b0b0b0b: Only narcs go on gmailswap. explain?? Sure, I have yet to try gmail and would be pleased to accept an invite.
  • argh
  • I'd take a gmail invite if there are any more on offer, please. Willing to see what all the fuss is about!
  • Invitations away. Drop me an email if you didn't get one but still want one.
  • Thanks for my invite Smo! (At least I think it was you.)
  • Is there a way to download gmail to an offline mail reader? I like the fact that my gmail account is stable, and won't be changing whenever I change schools or workplaces, but I really dislike webmail in general - it's never as easy to use as a simple reader like Netscape mail (which is fully sortable and searchable)
  • See here, I think.
  • Aw, heck, if anyone has a spare, I'd like one, too. Just to check it out.
  • You're welcome, afx237vi. I sent my last one to you, drivingmenuts.
  • I've got six. Love gmail, prefer it to pop3, for all the reasons given. And no, I can't give them away. I could probably pay people to take them, reverse-eBay-style, but that would be...sad.
  • For anyone who wants to give their invites away: Kevin Rose from techTV is holding a gmail give away on September 7th. GMail is closing accounts that people have been buying off of eBay. So many places that are offering them up for free doubt you'd get anything for them. Seeing gmail invite links being posted on a variety of trade and swap forums over the weekend. I have a few left for anyone who wants one - just email me a first and last name and I'll send an invite your way. *too bad i don't run linux - I'd keep them for myself >:)
  • Has anyone seen my sock?