June 09, 2006
Kill the gatso.
Or kill the gatso.
Find their nests; track 'em via GPS. Or hide from them. Shocked, shocked to see no less than three in Leighton Buzzard. Tut.
Loving it. Say whatever you like about the Poms, they don't let governments ride roughshod over them too easily, which is one of the reasons I like 'em.
I got 'flashed' by one of these buggers ages ago. No ticket came. Apparently, loads have no film in them and are just there to shit you up. They also cost thousands each! Ho ho!
And Mrs k did too. No ticket came for her either!
Many years ago on a trip to the Land of Uk I was warned by a relative to be *very* careful crossing the streets because of the British drivers: "they all think they're James Bond". Heh.
I love vandals. I'd love them more if they drove safely.
I learned to drive in the UK. I think the Old Kent Road scarred me for life.
I would just take a motherfuckin' angle grinder to a lot of these.
Scofflaws! Charlatans! Ne'er-do-wells!
Link 2: The page you requested could not be found. We are breaking the internets?
Dang! It was there this morning. Try this.
Double dang! If somebody could remove" game" from the url of the second link at the top, it'd be helpful. Sigh.
The new one works: thanks, tick!
Great Gatso!
I went to school with a granddaughter of the inventor of the Gatso, Maurice Gatsonides. Her grandfather used to be a rally driver. I wish they had them here, to get rid of the people that drive 140+ Going after them with police cars seems such a waste of time and money.
How would the Canadians react to such devices? I know that in Australia, the steel-box jobs don't get much attention, but they aren't all over the roads like the ones in Pommie Land, only at intersections etc. The mobile ones often get run-down, deathrace 2000 style. When I was about 20, me & a few mates went around with gaffa tape & put carefully measured strips of it across the lens apertures of many of the gatso-type cameras in central Perth. because of the black gaffa not being very visible at first, I'm sure it took a while for the pigs to realise why their fucking cameras weren't taking pictures properly. Traffic cops in Perth are assholes.
No, I think you are thinking of GOATSE. A common mistake.
In either case, I would want to cover the aperture with liberal lashings of gaffer tape.
Leighton Buzzard, eh?
OK, if you're going to call them something ridiculous-sounding like "gatso", they're going to get vandalized. Period.
Aye - narrowboat 'oliday.
We have traffic cameras at intersections here in Winnipeg that look like this:
They don't get vandalized that I know of, but emails circulate regularly listing all of them. I want to hit "reply to all" and say, "here's a novel idea! Obey the speed limit, and don't run red lights! Gasp!"
bourgeoise! *speeds away, smoking*
*hands Koko a hall monitor sash*
Shouldn't you be working?
Apparently, loads have no film in them and are just there to shit you up. Yeah, we have many here in the SoCal area, but my understanding is that many cities have not renewed the contracts they have with the companies that operate these contraptions. Hence, very few are working. But it doesn't bother me either way, since I have mud thickly splattered over both of my plates.
*hands Koko a gold star* *pats Koko on the head* *feeds Koko a sugarcube*
*affixes "kick me" sign to Koko's back*
Up the poles!!
Gatso on a pole!
You're all going on report!
I hate breaking the law whilst on camera. I feel foolish when caught you see.. it's not the fines or jail it's just the intrusion of Government into my private life I don't like. If I choose to exceed the speed limit in a pork pie hat, well that's up to me. Not like I was wearing a Pierre Cardin cardigan, or a bloody Trilby.
Honestly, I'd like to see cameras (or perhaps a goddamn spike strip) at red lights. Way, way WAY too many people blow through them after they have changed, and half the assholes who do so aren't going to stop until they T-bone a family of six and kill them all. If you're running so late that you need to run lights, leave earlier, you ass. The lights turn red for a reason - to keep bastards like you from killing people like me. Unless you have police flashers and a siren, RED MEANS STOP.
There's one website in the UK which encourages people to 'beat' the cameras by driving slower near them. Also, a certain UK right-wing low-brow newspaper published ways to 'beat' the hosepipe ban and 'reduce the greedy water companies profits' by er, using less water. That'll learn 'em!