In "Say it with bleach"

"Add a quote like "Princess" or "Dazed and Confused" to your favorite t-shirt" A quote like "Princess"???

In "The web comic list"

My favourites are Red Meat (actually more the RMCS) and Achewood

In "A truly useful map"

I guess everybody's spam is different, but I don't recall ever getting any from Edmonton.. a hotbed according to the map

In "Curious George"

Winmx for me. Kazaalite is too irritating, and I couldn't get Soulseek to work.

In "New Wave Photos"

How terrifying.. what could anyone want with 159 pictures of

In "Savage Love"

I was pretty confident that once a year or so, a seed (perhaps rather like a sunflower seed) came out of the father's penis, and he planted it in the mother. Didn't really consider just where..

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)