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April 28, 2012

What Mormon's Believe. A flowchart.

April 24, 2012

The devil's own disease spreads like a zombie outbreak. More properly known as Devil Facial Tumor Disease, it's a contagous cancer that started from the bite of one infected Tasmanian devil. Let's hope they find a cure, so the devils don't all bomb-out like the Tasmanian Tiger did a century ago... Oh, and here's a new Aussie movie staring Willem Dafoe, called The Hunter, based on what might happen if just one Tasmanian Tiger was left for corporate pillaging. See, the movie hypothesizes that, for the sake of medical warfare, the bite of the Tiger was poisonous - even as this new devil cancer spreads like a contageious poison <:(!)
Jud Turner - Sculpture Gallery.

April 22, 2012

Texts from Dog more inside

April 20, 2012

R.I.P. Facts
"I have the feeling this man is gay." The Werzog has admiration for John Waters' guts.

April 15, 2012

Portraits of astronauts from across the animal kingdom by rubbishmonkey.
Charts. Gotta Love 'Em. Or Not. more inside

April 02, 2012

F*** & Biscuits Stephen Fry recently did a five-part series about language, including, obviously, 'rude language'. So when Australia's ABC aired the series, what did they pick for its promo clip on YouTube? "Tourette Hero" (containing dozens of involuntary f-words in 4 minutes).

April 01, 2012

Mix maps, Facebook and geolocation and you get something like this. Creepy. Charlie Stross has more about it here.