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October 16, 2005

Daws Butler - Voice Magician Voice of Elroy Jetson, Huckleberry Hound, Quickdraw McGraw, Yogi Bear, Cap'n Crunch, Snagglepuss and more. Link goes to the official Daws Butler website. "Exit, stage right."
For the 'Modern Gentleman' Observe the Latest Issue for "Fop Idol" .. and "Seduction and Doffing" as a song title rivets my gog. As in, "one is all agog, egad!"
Fountain phoon. Mountain phoon. Underwater phoon with an aqualung. Phoon in an underground cave. Village Chief phoon. Omo Masalai skeleton dance phoon. Military phoon. French phoon. Naboo phoon. Moon phoon! Goddam penguin phoon. Halloween phoon. More phoons than you can shake a stick at. Uh, what the hell is a phoon?
Popjisyo is a web based pop-up dictionary for Japanese, Chinese, Korean and other languages. Read foreign language web sites with pop-up hints by moving the mouse over words you want to lookup! more inside
Monkeys for sale... and the woefully stupid cheap bastards who want them. more inside