August 29, 2005

Sexy Games Everybody has heard of hot coffee mod and Rock Star games has paid heavily for the controversy. But has anybody heard of the new enemy of Jack Thompson, the Hot Biscuit mod? [NSFW]

A brilliant stab at the craziness going on around the controversy. Too bad it's not real though.

  • It made me smile.
  • It made me smirk. Then I saw that cute girl from PR across the window pane, nodding at me; the conflicting mix of emotions that resulted made me feel both disgusted and aroused. Went to the bathroom to wash my face with cold, clean water. Damn you, removablefriend.
  • It's ok Flagpole, I get that all the time. The trick is to condition yourself so that you can get that feeling whenever you smell paint, er, whenever you want to.
  • Also, there's this other reaction.
  • Hah, good one: You are gazing into the pixels of moral decay.
  • "Also, there's this other reaction." Maddox is funny as hell, mates. Check out some of the other countless sociopathic diatribes on his site if you get the time.