February 11, 2004

Studio Tanuki has a host of excellent, strange, french fun activities. Watch the inimitable Catfish Hotel movie, check out PinPin Le Lapin, play a frustrating round of Strip Poker (hint: the computer cheats... "hihihihihi!") then take a whirl at this exceedingly difficult to follow Dating Simulator. You can play strip poker with the gentleman as well, if you care to. Oh those wacky French! Those wacky Japanese! thanks to Webzen for the Catfish Hotel link
  • Wow, Forks-- you outdid yourself this time! "Catfish Hotel" was a feast in itself, with an excellent payoff. Now I'm gonna want the lunchbox and bendable figures to boot.
  • Catfish Hotel was amazing. Reminded me of lots of things, most of which I'm having trouble placing. Probably an amalgam of short animation from Nick with the quality turned way up. I like the little slime guy who says "salut!"
  • That dating site was nul
  • I'm a little unclear on that last link, forks.
  • babelfish informs me that "nul a chier" translates as "no one to shit". Hence the link. Polyglots: SOS
  • It means "completely shit".
  • oooooooooooooooooooh. okay. no refunds.
  • Have any other French obscenity-related needs programs? I'm well-placed to sort them. I don't own the full set, but my experience is extensive. The spelling errors and the general high-school level that site was pitched at gave me the pip. That was more or less my complaint. Please accept a full subscription to MonkeyFilter, your hang away from hang.