April 07, 2005

On August 7, 1974 a Frenchman named Philippe Petit walked a high wire [strung via fishing line and a bow & arrow!] between the two towers of the World Trade Center. He discusses his exploits here and here. Anyone, IMO, who is proud of being arrested more than 500 times around the world is worth a look!

And anyone with a quote such as: "I am someone who lives in the clouds and have no respect for the way humanity organizes society on earth. If you ask me what left and right are in politics, I respond like an imbecile. I don’t have a bank account, don’t have a car, don’t have a little box full of money." is worthy of even further inspection... reading his book now, it is hard to put down

  • Yeah, exactly. The guy has the right attitude to life. Extraordinary. Great link.
  • Sounds like a cool book. Also sounds like the kind of thing that would be adapted into a biopic...
  • FYI to anyone else interested... the link to the publisher asks $30 for the book. Amazon has it for $9.99.
  • I remember that stunt between the towers. It was more incredible than you could imagine. He was up 1/4 mile in the air on a wire. One good puff of wind and he would be hamburger meat. They had replays on TV for weeks afterwards. Talk about a brass set...
  • Oh Good Lord, perhaps the administrative Gods will delete the second two of this triple mess.
  • Just stumbled upon this. Kinda cool...
  • One of my favorite things anyone has ever said he said right after finishing the walk: "I see three oranges, I have to juggle. I see two towers, I have to walk between them."