March 08, 2005

World's First Gay and Lesbian Natural Attraction Scent. "Each is different but both scents are designed to use to attract a gay people to you or to attract gay friendly people to you, your home or business. Can be used around your home or business to draw people there." Yes, have your home swarming with gays!
  • IT IS NOT GREASY. Missed you, sidedish.
  • Don't you just want to douse James Dobson with a bucket of this stuff?
  • thanks mfpb, i was moving into a cool new apartment. seventh floor! great views! funky hood! much happiness!
  • And to think that all this time I've been rubbing my ass on trees. Oh, the chafing!
  • funky hood? DC? did i miss something huge?
  • You already can't swing a sleepy cat around my place without hitting a flock of gays. I had to buy extra lawn furniture, for pete's sake. And not the cheap nylon webby kind! Oh, no, had to be the nice brushed aluminum stuff, with the little tile insets that you can take out and replace with different ones as the seasons change. On the other hand, my pre-Easter decorations are *fabulous*.
  • Once upon a time, this drake wore it. But then he flew into a window. Hi, SideDish!
  • Am I the only one picturing animated "gay lines" wafting through the air, a la an old Warner Bros. cartoon?
  • So, do you dab a bit behind your ears, or ....
  • it's a prenuptial move, mfpb! our big day is april 9.
  • *kisses bees*
  • Congrats Dishie -- will your wedding photos include MoFi shoutouts? I think this should be required ...
  • hey that's a great idea koko!
  • Where do we send our telegrams?
  • I'm trying to figure out how this got derailed to talking about sidedish's wedding... hmmmm.... connection we should know about? anyho.."Le Slim : Weightloss Scent for Women Men will think you look thinner wearing this New Research shows that by combining certain natural floral-spicy scents, men preceive the woman wearing the scent to be thinner Warning:Does not work on other women or Tailors " I love the fact that the "make me look slim" scent doesn't work on tailors... think of all the misfitting clothes that would result....
  • So I checked out some of there other products and ended up at their homepage which contained this Sales pitch: "Are you tired or stressed? Do you want to be happier? Attract love or friends? Have More Fun? Naturally stop all bugs from bugging you, your family, pets, horses, your home safely? It is time to Have Fun... Enjoy Life..." It really is one stop shopping if you problems attracting the same sex and you have a fly problem.
  • Hmm, attract teh gay and keep bugs away from your horse at the same time. That's quite a product.
  • I wonder if it smells like santorum.
  • I hate santorum, why we keep electing him around here I will never understand
  • It works based on the same scientific principle which allows those weedkillers to know which kind of plantlife to kill, and which kind to allow to survive.
  • I was inexplicably drawn into this thread... Why, SideDish, what is that inotxicating aroma?
  • I'm gonna catch me a lesbian with this.
  • Woman TO Woman was created after years of study to naturally help Lesbians Attract other Lesbians. See Mr. Dobson? See? N-a-t-u-r-a-l...and scientifically proven too!
  • And, as depicted on television, amazingly interesting!
  • Pure capitalism knows no prejudices. We are all target markets.
  • What is that smell in here? I keep coming back to the thread and having to post again....