February 28, 2005

Extreme Spells No matter how minimal or how severe your situation is, Extreme Spells.com can help. Maybe you need a lover who has left to return? Perhaps you need someone who has wronged you to be paid pack? Perhaps you need a money spell to bring your financial life back into place? Maybe you would like to ruin your ex lover's new relationship and possibly get him or her back? Again, we can assist you as we have thousands of others like yourself who simply needed the "extreme" power of our ancient, powerful and effective spells.
  • "HEX" - The one and only truly evil spell. If someone has TRULY hurt you than this is the spell that must be cast. HEX spells CANNOT be reversed (regardless of what you hear elsewhere). Cast at the stroke of midnight this spell will make his or her life hell on earth for years. PLEASE be certain that the person indeed deserves this spell and had wronged you 1st for it is the ultimate "extreme spell". $79.90 You are sooo gonna get it now, pete_best.
  • Just $79, and I can ruin anybody's life? I guess that explains so much things... / dons anti-spell cloak, runs for the hills
  • I've done up written curses in Spanish, complete with sinister-looking feathers, strings, photos, and candle wax. They do seem to work as low-tech theft deterrants. I think it's because thieves are generally pretty paranoid to begin with, so it plays on their own misgivings and jumpiness, which, of course, what any good curse does.
  • Did somebody say "spells"? GRADY: Spells? Jesus, James, you make it sound like we're in a Tennessee Williams play. I don't have spells. JAMES LEER: What would you call them then? GRADY: I don't know. ...'Episodes.'
  • How much are the fireball and lightening spells?
  • I cast magic missle at the darkness.
  • Oh yes, it's quite disturbing how full of religious paraphernalia many criminals 'protect' themselves with. From the colombian sicarios with bead wristbands, for helping their shooting aim, to the Narco Patron Saints, it's an odd mixture of beliefs and street-level needs.
  • You know, 79.00$ is a pretty decent price for a Hex. I mean, at most other places it'll run you around 130.00$ and they don't even use chicken blood; usually just Campbell's chicken soup stock. I looked at doing my own Hex but it's a lot of work to summon the minor deities required, and you wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a consistent supplier of eye-of-newt. And as for those vestal virgins... hah! Nah, these Extreme Spells guys look pretty good.
  • Well that's alright if ars magica's your weapon of choice 606, but for my money you can't beat the deals at ShamanSavers® - their frequent astral flyer vouchers soon have you trotting through the æther offing your enemies.
  • Those aren't extreme spells... Let me show you EXTREME spells! I put on my robe and wizard hat.
  • Ha, those chatlogs remind me of the witty jokers preying on dumb pedophiles at baiting.org (nsfw or imagination-impaired, easily offended people)
  • *<3s patita*
  • Can I have a Mountain Dew?
  • i like to play dress up.
  • Originally cast for $229.90 but for the month of February only -- $79.90 Wow!
  • RUN, Pete_Best, RUN!! *steps to the side of the escaping Pete and throws a pair of plaid pants. Damn you evil Quidnunc! *cackles in an evil manner, wiggles nose. Spits, crosses eyes, holds up mirror and chants under breath: I'm rubber you're glue ... bounces off me and sticks to you.
  • I just look in the mirror and say quidnunc five times
  • Now I'll have that damn song in my head for the next two days. There's your magic spell, you bastard.
  • If there are any girls there, I wanna do 'em!