February 28, 2005

Messiah! If you're a premillennialist, you should watch the Messiahcam, for No One Knows the Hour; but if you are a confirmed postmillennialist, you'll be watching for a long, long time before the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west. (Amillennialists are all going to hell, but they're not interested in watching, anyway, so it'll all come as a big surprise. Or perhaps it won't.)

The first hymn today will be Show Me the Way to Go Home by Irving King.

  • The whole idea of a messiah cam I find to be delightfully offensive.
  • I watched the messaiah cam. didn't see anything interesting. does someone start taking off clothes or something soon?
  • Does Messiah Cam have Hot messiah action 24 hours a day? I agree Mr. Knickerbocker it is delightfully offensive
  • Skrik, I like how, for all of the different viewpoints, you posted links to rebuttals of them rather than defenses. More people should do that in their posts. I find that sort of approach to any contested issue always results in greater understanding of the dispute.
  • Christ rules for only 1000 years. Why the term limits? Why loose Satan on the world after that? Seems kind of mean.
  • Well, if you don't let him out every now and again, he ruins the carpet. Satan isn't box trained.