December 26, 2004

AsiaSource interviews Anatol Lieven. The most illuminating fifteen minutes I've ever spent reading about the Middle East, China, wars of choice, oil, radical AmericoFascism, and much more. If you didn't know, Anatol Lieven recently wrote America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism, which I'll head out to buy this morning if I can find an open book-store.

AsiaSource has many of their interviews in their online archive. [via]

  • I've bookmarked this, and thank you for introducing me to AsiaSource, fuyugare. The Liven article strikes me as smack on the mark, alas.
  • A very engaging read. Thank you, fuyugare. Being honest with myself, I have to admit that the war makes me feel much safer now. America will not have the troops to wage another war in the near future. The neo-cons are forced to play nice with China and tough with Taiwan. It's already shown results: Taiwan's pro-independence official party lost the parliament election this month, to my surprise and relief.
  • The book is totally awesome also. Just finished it. Highly recommended, but MoFi is probably not the best place to discuss it. This FPP was pretty bloggish as it is.
  • This is very interesting, thank you - just to add to the chorus. I don't see why this isn't a good place to discuss it, considering it wouldn't start a new FPP.
  • I think fuyu may have euthanased himself again, although he did come back last time after a bit. If he has disappeared for good, pity -- an interesting fellow.