November 07, 2004

"You know the world is off tilt when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest basketball player is Chinese and Germany doesn't want to go to war."
The wit and wisdom of Charles Barkley.
  • Tiger Woods is mostly Thai (and Vijay Singh is better than him at the moment at least), and Shawn Bradley is taller than Yao. Whether Eminem is better than Jay-Z and some other is debatable.
  • I love Charles Barkley. That mother is awesome!
  • I thought Chris Rock was the one who said that. And I can't wait till Tiger is back on top - can't stand Singh.
  • I realize that when I'm in my late forties and fifties I won't be able to walk. But I won't have to work until I'm sixty-five, like most people do. To me it's worth it. I see my grandmother's new house or visit my mother in her new house and ride in her new Lexus. When I signed my first contract, I bought my mother an Oldsmobile. For Christmas three or four years later, I bought her a Mercedes. Every time I think about how bad some part of my body hurts, I think about that. You can't describe what that is like.
    Good man. Good man.
  • Jay-Z is better but he's retired from the rap scene (recent releases with R. Kelly were recorded before the Black Album but not released because of pissing scandal). And yeah, he's clearly the man. And unlike Michael Jordan, he can form words, and furthermore, he's awesomely funny.