January 08, 2004

Ethernet Guitar. Any stringbenders in tha hizzy?
  • Waiting for electronic bagpipes to hit the market, me.
  • You can already get quite a long way towards synthesis using, say, a MIDI guitar into a laptop running emagic, like, uh, John McLaughlin does. I personally am waiting for a bass version of this little beauty.
  • yeah i was curious as to the +/- between this and a MIDI instrument. Way back when MIDI wasn't yet up to speed for catching all the nuances, although it may be now. Remember that Roland axe that looked like a triangle?
  • here
  • Remember that Roland axe that looked like a triangle? I surely do. Maybe the first guitar built with a handle (although not the last). Good gob, the eighties.
  • That's f'ing surreal. I had a dream about taht guitar last night, but I swear I've never seen it before in my life. But then it turned into a car. Does that guitar turn into a car?
  • Does that guitar turn into a car? Well, if you have amoebas infecting your corneas, I suppose you could see just about anything.