October 07, 2004

George Bush's Resumé, with sources By a guy who says he supported him in 2000. His explanation for writing the resumé is here: The Forward and also a print version

"Rewarding excellence and limiting failure is a deeply held value in America, especially in conservative circles. It is essential that we recognize the competence of juniors and promote them. By promoting our smartest, most efficient, highest-skilled workers to positions of responsibility we don't just reward them: we reward ourselves as we benefit from the good decisions they make in their new position. Bush is the antithesis of this story." So I'm curious about why he supported him the first time. <aside>monkeydyne.com is the host of the comic Red Meat Construction Set</aside>

  • Should be: Red Meat Construction Set. Apologies to those getting sick of U.S. election talk, but as Seymour Hersh said (the guy who broke the Abu Ghraib scandal in the New Yorker magazine) "this may be the most important U.S. election since 1860".
  • From the John Kerry's Resumé article linked in the foreword, there is this intriguing passage:
    [John Kerry] supports government programs which give undeserving people homes in working class neighborhoods even when those neighborhoods are destroyed in the process. [Mr. Kerry] is not effected [sic] when these neighborhoods are destroyed and working class families lose the largest asset in their retirement plans – their home's value.
    Can anyone tell me what this is about? I'm not able to diffuse the fog to see the core issue this refers to.
  • Sounds like the author doesn't like JK giving "undeserving" people (welfare? minorities) the opportunity to have public housing assistance in "working class" neighborhoods, thus lowering the property values. I always itch when I hear people argue "property values", because it almost always means keeping the great unwashed/unwhite out.
  • supports government programs which give undeserving people homes in working class neighborhoods even when those neighborhoods are destroyed in the process. Sounds like code words for keeping the "undesirables" that "drive down property values" out of the neighborhood. Archie Bunker was less subtle. Who are the "undeserving people" and who are the "working class families"?
  • I am dubious that it is directly about keeping the unwhite out, insofar as having them move into existing houses. What role does the government have in 'giving' 'undeserving people' 'homes'? I wonder if it refers to low-cost housing projects. Though, it's pretty obvious that building them right in the middle of Lakeview Ave. is neither common, nor particularly feasible. And how can a politician realistically be against such projects? (Occam's Razor shows that this is just a bunch of hand-wavy nonsense from RushOnline.)
  • Just now I see that this was also discussed on blue. They were offline so much yesterday that I must have missed it. I should also link to the errata page where the guy seems to be attempting to correct any mistakes.
  • crap... ...link to the errata page where the guy seems to be attempting to keep it honest.
  • shawnj, that's my new favorite political phrase for this election cycle. Wrong with a capital W. I think that would look nice on a bumper sticker, maybe with a US Flag in the background.
  • "Mavanee Bear, my girlfriend at the time" Ok, how many people imagined Bush dating some sort of Disneyland mascot?
  • Wouldn't it be a nightmare if someone did a resume like this for everyone? "In 1994 during his second year of law school, Bernockle drank a concoction containing ketchup, mustard, chewing tobacco, beer, and something minty as a bet so that his roommate and another man would have to tango naked in the fountain in front of the performing arts center at the university at 3:00 am."
  • I'm voting for bernockle.
  • can I be benockle's veep?
  • What are your qualifications?
  • "Ok, how many people imagined Bush dating some sort of Disneyland mascot?" I can see it, pants. Imagine all the cocaine he could have had her schlep around for him inside one of those huge heads.