October 04, 2004

What Crack can do for you
  • OMG...that's fucking crazy
  • Scarey, huh?
  • Hey, she was on crack AND heroin - how do they know all this wasn't from the heroin?
  • seems like a great way to lose weight.
  • Hey, so I live in a really bad neighborhood here and I see people walking around clearly hopped on some seriously bad drugs at least a couple times a week. I was wondering if anyone might help my analyse the behaviour and name the drug. The consisent pattern I've noticed is this really cartoonish, exagerrated motion - the people aren't really in-your-face, loud, or smelly (like drunks usually are), but they kind of flop around in what seems like a tragic parody of 'taking a casual stroll' or 'just pulling my pants up', walk in the middle of the street, sometimes talk to themselves, angle arms and legs oddly, etc etc. My theory is crack, but it's only because a) it's not alcohol or marijuana, and b) I expect heroin users to by lying down instead of walking aroud.
  • You could ask them.
  • calimehtar: tweakers maybe? Back in my student days I used to walk through a really bad neighborhood on my way to class, and often thought that seeing people who had been physically ravaged by years of drug abuse might make a better more effective anti-drug propaganda than the latest variation on "just say no." But then the idea of taking people who clearly have had a hard road of it, and making a spectacle of them, doesn't sit right with me either.
  • Where's the page that shows what 10 years of jail will do to you?
  • calimehtar, that's called "doing the chicken" and it's from crystal meth, horrendously bad stuff.
  • Making a spectacle of people who are drug-ravaged would be a better approach than the "just say no" campaign. The victims' eyes could be blanked out to protect their identities.
  • I would say that the drug doing the most damage to this person is the smack. crack fucks your brain up worse than it fucks your body. Oh, and it destroys your organs too. All of the acid-heads I ever met looked incredibly young for their physical age. Of course, they were all shot away upstairs..
  • Yup. That's meth. I live 5 blocks from Meth Central in the west End of Vancouver.
  • seems like a great way to lose weight. On the streets in Tampa they call it the stemfast diet.
  • All right, meth it is then, or tweakers, or speed which are all the same, apparently.
  • Wow, that is one disturbing set of photos. And her hair and makeup were disasters!
  • Let's do an extreme makeover on her. Get Queer Eye For The Crack-Ho on it right away.
  • In all fairness I was tired in most of those pics.
  • I'd say heroin is the culprit in the OP. It's not the heroin itself that does that, but it kills your appetite for as long as you're on it, and that's sometimes days. Junkies are usually malnourished.
  • One picture that always stayed in my mind was when the local police came to my high school and showed us pictures of a guy whose arms where covered in scabs from where he'd been picking to find a blood vesel. Just completely poka-dotted. Does anyone know the statistics of sending a junkie to prison versus government support of their habit?
  • Profoundly sad pictures. Prisoners of the insane war on drugs.
  • Restless That sounds more like coke bug troubles to me.
  • Prisoners of the insane war on drugs. Prisoners of their insane war on their own bodies, also.
  • as far as I understand Heroin is not damaging to the body and addicts with a supply of pharmacutical Heroin can live for many years with no problems. Its the impurities and street life which accompanies the junkie which cause all the ugliness
  • You guys are jumping to conclusions that it was drugs that did this to her. Cut away all the conjecture, and we know two things for sure: 1) her health deteriorated 2) cops arrested her many times Therefore: Cops cause health problems.
  • You are ignoring prima facie evidence that she's a crackhead - namely that her cheeks are sucked in, from all that drawing on the pipe
  • So in other words, don't use straws.
  • My guess is that she was losing her teeth, especially the molars, as well as losing weight. (Gossip had it, some years ago, that movie stars would have some molars pulled to accentuate the cheek bones by sucking in the cheeks below.) I'd guess that getting dental care isn't a priority when you're trying to score whatever your really addictive drug of choice is, especially if the choice is between buying drugs and paying a dentist when you can't afford both. Don't get me wrong - I do feel bad for her
  • Hmm... I feel like I've seen these before, but in a different context... Like the "moral" of the story before was about streetwalking, not drugs. Anyone else?
  • Well in a lot of cases drug addiction and street walking go hand in hand so I guess these photos could be used to highlight the pitfalls of either/both.