September 13, 2004

To the MAN who DID his hoochie on my hood!!
  • That reminds me of the ash impressions at Herculaneum or Hiroshima
  • One way to get someone to wash their car.
  • Snopes:Undetermined
  • Regardless of authenticity, the line, OH! and Thank you hooch for scratching my paint with your nipple piercings and dime store MR T rings!!!, made my Monday morning.
  • Is it just me, or is the woman-print on the car really, really tiny? Automobile-based midget sex, anyone?
  • It's just you. Her waist is at the front of the hood and her hands reach almost to the windshield. Look like she was kind of fat, too. All you can see of the guy is his hands and they appear to be of normal size.
  • Fat, if you live in stickperson world. Anyone lying down is wider than when standing. I would guess 130 pounds, tops. As for it's veracity, my thoughts were along the lines of a couple going by thinking "Wow, what a dusty car ....wouldn't it be funny if we made them think...?" Which is funny.