December 06, 2009

"Refreshing, Existential and Disturbing" That's what Search Engine Watch calls's Top 10 Questions of 2009. Considering the site dropped the Question-based format in favor of plain search years ago, they're also way behind the curve. But it's not the worst Top 10 list you'll see before the end of the year (and you'll be seeing a lot more).

Still, when "What is Miley Cyrus' phone number?" (#5) beat out "What is the meaning of life?" (#6), it's okay to point and laugh...

  • I see privacy issues with questions #5 and #6.
  • Times like this Skype confuses me mightily. I almost dialled that number.
  • Oddly enough, none of these questions were things I would have ever thought to ask throughout the last year. Do you think this is something that needs to be questioned?
  • I don't understand why the questions listed aren't hyperlinked to their respective searches. Such an obvious oversight.
  • I find #3 disturbing, in a couple different ways.