August 17, 2009

26 Monkeys, also the abyss. A whimsical SF short story nominated for both the Nebula and the Hugo this year. A story with real monkeys! Ten minute read. I loved it.
  • Fantastic, I would be the next person compelled to buy this.
  • ))))))!! *jumps into bathtub, vanishes*
  • I hang around and read this a couple days ago. Never thought of posting it--good job, Story. Good story, too.
  • *26 Giraffes, Also the Pinnacle* would make as much sense, I'm guessing. See, these 26 giraffes all climb down into a watering hole, submerge themselves and disappear. Drag lines, nets, scuba divers all come up empty. Later, the giraffes come home drunk.
  • There might be a few kinks to work out, with all of those long necks... I enjoyed the monkey story though!
  • Nice... thanks for posting this.
  • Very nice. I haven't paid much attention to SF lately- may change that.
  • That's a whole 'nuther story, Dan. It's up to you to write it. Post it here when you're done, will ya? And don't be doin' any of those funny cigarettes while you're writing, either.
  • Thanks for the support, BlueHorse. I had only meant it as a joke, of course. But one day, in the far, far future of this forum... A blip will register that an old thread has received a new, very long comment, or story. As for those kinds of cigarettes, I don't drink either, even though I make dopey or alcoholic references on occasion. Been there, done with that. So why do I say those things? It might be a mild form of Tourette's syndrome, my sarcastic friend tells me. But I don't have any of the tics associated with that, other than wood ticks, of course. I WILL plead foot-in-mouth, though.
  • *tail droops, walks away in disappointment* Oh, so there really isn't a story...