March 04, 2009

BRAS! Quilters of South Carolina band together and create many...bras.
  • Whoooooo! I dreamed I went all over town in my Quilted Bra!! Especially like the nursing bra.
  • I gotta tell ya, Blanky. I just emailed your link to 12 friends. Six of them have emailed back raving. You're a hit!! BOTW
  • I'm thinking that none of these would be discreet under a t-shirt....
  • GREAT LINK, and one that's getting a lot of forwarding. "Nursing bra" is inspired! I also loved "Mother Nature's Bosom" and "Tie One On", but they're all pretty great. I've seen things that celebrated the breast before, but somehow these do so in a way that's exuberant, inspiring and "supportive" at the same time without being tacky or trivial. Great find!