August 08, 2008

Popcorn Cats - possibly nsfw but I have no idea Via Blort
  • I have reached that age at which the internet no longer makes sense. I shall now pull the plug...
  • More goats than exist in the woooooooooorld
  • Your goat worth is 9. You're almost the most beautiful girl here. How's THAT for an old broad?!! And I LIKE these popcorn cats.
  • Uhhhh.. In which Wplace would this be NS?
  • Popcorn! does this answer your question?
  • Yo no comprende. But I am worth ten goats. Suck it, bitches!
  • In which Wplace would this be NS? Not suitable in a popcorn factory or a sperm bank. For these are the places where semen and popcorn shold not be mixed.
  • Mmmmmm semen popcorn.
  • Great Googly Moogly!
  • Ah.. I missed the masturbatory popcorn cat. MonkeyFilter: Don't miss the masturbatory popcorn cat!
  • i have absolutely no idea what's going on.
  • Those cats all look like the thing sitting on my scarred knees right now. Known as Scabratcat. It's claws, teeth and death glare are shared generously with all who meet and immediately loath it. I will never eat popcorn again. A pictorial Scabratcat wanking has ruined popcorn for me forever. 9 goats? It's rigged! I'm worth 25.