August 08, 2008

Johnny Eck

As referenced in Tom Waits' Lucky Day Overture and Tabletop Joe. A hell of an impressive guy.

  • How did he shit?
  • From the second link: "It wasn't a clean break though - rather than appearing "snapped off at the waist" as he would later claim, little Johnny was left with withered, useless legs that never grew even as the rest of him did. " So really, he was all there, just his lower half did not develop properly.
  • Hank - wandering back into the same old assholic landscape again, eh?
  • ... it was an honest question. Bad words upset you? Lara answered it. I looked up several sites on the guy to find out what the situation was with his lower organs, obviously I missed that detail.
  • Fascinating. I was initially drawn by the name Eck. It happens to be my father's middle name, and has been passed down many generations (apparently the first-born male child is the "lucky" one to be given Eck as the middle name). There use to be a guy on the subway who appeared very similar. However, he was keen on using his deformity to his advantage, asking for money and sympathy... *yanks Ralph's choker - again*
  • His watercolors are gorgeous.
  • His drawings were called sexually charged. Almost a cross between Robert Crumb's and Aubrey Beardley's more finished work on similar subject matter. I recognise him as the half figure doing a handstand that we installed at the Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum in Williamsburg.
  • Hmmmmm, never got over that phase they go through in high school where they draw that stuff on the desks, eh?