March 19, 2004

Meet my parent's old neighbor, Crazy Tammy. She's been gone from the neighborhood for about nine months now, hopefully getting the treatment she so sorely needed. From what I understand, and from what others have told me, Crazy Tammy is a textbook case of paranoid schizophrenia. We would have never known about her terrible mental problem if she hadn't advertised her insane views on giant sheets of cloth hung from her fence.

(via diepunyhumans)

  • Why am I worried that this is just as entertaining as museum art exhibitions. (and I really love (a good amount of) postmodern work too, this is just awesome). Tammy deserves a scholarship!
  • I was going to say something similar, CellarFloor, but unfortunatly the site didn't let me directly link to the images, so the comments were cut. I just hope she's alright, too.
  • this reminds me of the notes and posters someone kept leaving on my street right after 911. i saved a few of the ones that were taped to the mailbox at the end of my block.
  • Those are some fairly scary notes, t r a c y. Did you ever know who was leaving them. They sound, well, a little disturbed (unsurprisingly, perhaps, after an event like that).
  • Poor woman. I hope she got help.
  • Ditto what Alnedra said.
  • So this Tammy woman thinks people on TV are her neighbours who are out to kill non-psychics using their own psychic powers? I can't quite see Angelina Jolie as the gut-ripping-with-her-mind type. I know I'm making light of someone's mental illness. I wonder if it's true that her first son was murdered? Poor woman.
  • Sorry if I sounded self-righteous. I have a few relatives and friends with disorders from borderline schizo to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I don't really know much about psychiatry, but they really do suffer. They're agonised by the knowledge (to them) that people are causing them harm - and nobody believes them. It's frightening, distressing and above all, very lonely to feel that way. /rambling
  • You're right, Alnedra. There's not much else you can say to something like this, though.
  • It's not cool to make fun of the mentally ill. Unless they're in government.
  • I could read Beowulf faster than that quasi-nonsense. In fact, if Kant and Shakespeare had rewritten every other sentence in Beowulf, and then encoded the resulting mess from ASCII to hexadecimal, it would still be easier to read through than most those bizarre rants. At the very least, she should've made the effort to properly format the text on her signs. What an eyesore! Schizophenia is a pretty lame excuse for not using Spellcheck and the Caps Lock properly. And somebody should tell the Time Cube guy how to use that [/CENTER] tag, among other things...
  • wow. that was pretty special.