February 04, 2008

CARNIVAL! If you're in Italy or Brazil, tomorrow is Carnival. If you're in France or New Orleans, it's Mardi Gras. If you're in the UK, it's Shrovetide or Pancake Day. But this year, history was made in the form of the first ever Mardi Gras Parade at the South Pole.

So grab a mask (perhaps from one of the makers listed in this thread), bake your friends a king cake or some traditional Italian Carnival food, throw some beads (or oranges) and enjoy! All together now: Lenten ys come with love to towne...

  • *weeps for forgotten Bonhomme de Neige*
  • The snowmobile "floats" are too cool! Also, mmmmmmmmpancakes.
  • Also: here is a link to Carnaval 2008 in Brasil. There are lots of video. Of special interest to the gentlemen would be the Beldades link The story of the Holocaust Float: All the bodies were yanked off it was repainted white and covered with men and women (humans) dressed in white wearing gags over their mouths and the slogan, "You can't bury history by keeping silent." Meanwhile on another float in Sao Paulo, there was a giant baby on a float that would flip over to show a malnourished dead baby to represent starvation in Africa. It was pretty gnarly but in their defense there was no float behind it with a guy unloading a truckload of dead babies with a pitchfork.
  • 30toseoul's LJ is full of awesome. It almost makes me want to go live there myself.
  • Sorry I was wrong: You can't bury history by keeping silent." You can't build a future by burying the past.
  • Carnaval de Paris by Dario G. nearly 10 years ago, that was
  • Carnival from carne levare: remove the meat. I did not know this. Some years back I attended a parade in Paris, which was led by a cow. Apparently this was to remind people that there's to be no meat eaten during Lent.
  • I'm so sad. I have no baking powder. I can't make pancakes, even if I had anyone to make them for. I'll just have to eat a solid stick of butter to make up for it.
  • It's also Super Tuesday around these parts where Mardi Gras is banned, so the only partying will be in certain candidates' headquarters. (And I'd enjoy watching the local cops raid McCain HQ for "excessive revelry"...)
  • jb, you could make crêpes! No leavening needed. Mmmmmcrêpes.
  • "...a parade in Paris, which was led by a cow. That cow has to be going around like the cock of the walk. "Lookit this, sukkaz! Ooh, you like these flanks? You ain't getting a piece of this action!" Well, not for the next month, at least. But it'd definitely be a moment of pride.
  • What is this some kinda crazy Jebus thing?
  • I forgot to make pancakes last night. But I DID have red beans and rice. Does that count as a Mardi Gras celebration?
  • TUM, oh yes. Definitely.
  • Although I strenuously avoid cooking at all costs, I did make red beans n rice once, and on the suggestion of someone (?) I included cinnamon amongst the spices. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO TOO. it was good.
  • Consummate Mask of Rock 1.This is my mask of fidelity to truth and life. 2.This is to cover the mask of pain and desire. 3.This is to mask the cover of need for human companionship. 4.This is to mask the cover. 5.This is to cover the mask. 6.This is the need of cover. 7.This is the need of a mask. 8.This is the mask of cover of need. 9.Nothing and no 9.No thing and no mask can cover the lack, alas. 10.Lack after nothing before cover revoked. 11.Lack before cover paper covers rock rock breaks mask alas, alack. 12.Nothing to cover 13.This is the 13.This is the mask to cover my infidelity to truth. 14. 13.This is the mask to cover my infidelity to truth. (This is my cover.) 14.This is the need for pain that contorts my mask conveying the message of truth and fidelity to life. 15.This is the truth that distorts my need for human companionship. 16.This is the distortion of truth masked by my painful need. 17.This is the mask of my painful need distressed by truth and human companionship. 18.This is my painless mask that fails to touch my face but floats before the surface of my skin my eyes my teeth my tongue. 19.Desire is my mask. (Musk of desire) 20.Rescind desire cover revoked desire revoked cover rescinded. 21.PEOPLE DIE OF EXPOSURE. --Bruce Nauman