February 01, 2008

How Scratching Works. A new study sheds light on the brain chemistry of scratching.

Why does scratching feel good? Why can't you stop scratching once you start?

  • *puts away two turntables and a mi-cro-phone*
  • Same study, but do it with these guys. Then you'll see some REAL brain chemistry.
  • I'm greatly attracted to Barbara Fritchie I'll bet she scratched when she was itchy -- Ogden Nash
  • *purrrs*
  • *hind leg starts twitching The "itch gene" is GRPR (gastrin-releasing peptide receptor), which codes for a receptor found in a very small population of spinal cord nerve cells where pain and itch signals are transmitted from the skin to the brain. So if we do a little genetic engineering, insert this gene into a bacterial plasmid, infect the bad guys, and then they scratch themselves silly, thus leaving them at my our mercy. It would be funnier with the tickle gene.
  • I'm a big fan of laying about, scratching.
  • *flops out across the couch and looks beseechingly at assorted monkeys, hoping for scratchin'*
  • Other way 'round, Speedlime.
  • I am shocked and dismayed that Baptists would advocate scratching -- isn't that a sin?
  • This is kind of interesting. I know from scratching - I've had severe psoriasis most of my life, which has meant that 1. scratching relieves nothing, or 2. I get to the perfect place where it relieves *everything* and believe me, that perfect place does feel orgasmic. Since the introduction of biologics (Enbrel is the brand name of the dug I inject twice a week) my skin is nearly normal, but I miss that great itch, which can be scratched JUST SO. Seriously, when I got to that JUST SO place, I'm as near to heaven as makes no difference. I almost miss it.
  • It's funny, isn't it? When I was little, I used to beg my nana to let me lean over her lap so she could scratch my back. Now I pester #2 to do it, it just feels so nice. Reading the article, I might be a hyperchondriacchronic itch person. I get itchy lower legs, especially at night, and often scratch until I bleed. Never thought much of it, so I don't know if it's normal or not. But that feeling of relief, oh yes.
  • reading this thread makes me itch.
  • goofy, that's a great description. I just started the injections last week.
  • I am currently in love with a man with quite long nails. I shall say no more.
  • "But understanding how the process works could lead to new treatments. For example, drugs that deactivate this part of the brain might be effective." Why you no DEACTIVATE YOU BRAIN?!