October 29, 2007

Delusions of Separation Very few people seem to have noticed that we are a species gone mad, which itself is an expression of the extent of the collective insanity we have fallen into. As more of us are able to illumine, recognize and articulate the nature and dynamics of the deeper psychological process that is creating our experience in the world, the more effectively we become able to deal with our world crisis. As more of us awaken to the deeper, underlying psychological process which animates events in our world, the more we will be able to consciously connect with each other in increasingly more creative ways so as to transform this process, both within ourselves, as well as in the outside world.

The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis. Bush’s sickness is our own.

  • No. This haves nothing to do with me.
  • Very few people seem to have noticed Orly?
  • 1 Use big words to explicate old ideas as if they are new. 2. "Use" quotation marks "liberally," seemingly "without" meaning. 3. Refer to hip scientific concepts like fractals and quantum physics, without employing scientific rigor in constructing the metaphors which refer to them. 4. Avoid simple words where multisyllabic ones can be used in their stead. 5. Avoid clarity wherever vague "meaning" can be achieved. 6. Profit??
  • Oops, forgot one. 5a. Establish "authority" by making up fancy names with fancy acronyms for concepts that would be more simply referred to using existing language.
  • Scary. Very scary.
  • HW, all of that is pretty normal for someone writing a psych paper.
  • HW, all of that is pretty normal for someone writing a psych paper. Not a good psych paper.
  • The Heisenberg Principle does imply, on the subatomic level, that the observer and the thing observed can’t be separated. This link applies that quantum principle to us versus the whole planet. The thing about it, a political judgment was also invoked by this link. As forewarned, I think in our monkeyfilter bylaws, a sore toe might feel stubbed as we go to our computer armchairs.
  • At the bottom: "Paul Levy, a pioneer in the field of spiritual awakening, is a healer in private practice, assisting others who are awakening to the dream-like nature of reality." He's got a B.S., alright.
  • Well, he's a Jungian. Psychology in general is discredited, Jungian psychology doubly so.
  • In case you hadn't noticed, I think psychology is a crock.
  • Psychiatry might be. Psychoanalysis certainly is, but psychology? The scientific study of mental processes? The process itself can't be, but the results and applications may be flawed sometimes I guess.
  • "...If there isn't something wrong with him, then there's something wrong with us. This, to me, is a very serious question." In response, Republican National Committee spokesman Dan Ronayne said it was hard to take Kucinich seriously. Q.E.D.
  • Psychiatry might be. Psychoanalysis certainly is, but psychology? There's lots of crockery in each field, but dismissing any of them out of hand is throwing out the cart with the horse, methinks. /beneficiary of all three
  • You're right HW, thoughtless comment on my part. I think adherents to Jung should be called Junglists.