October 04, 2007

Reason #681 for loving Jon Stewart.
  • How's Tweety's phony laugh. Really annoying.
  • That's what #2 said when we watched it last night. I spent the next ten minutes doing that laugh just to annoy him.
  • Bringing up Machiavelli AND "Mission Accomplished" was just plain brilliant. Matthews has always bugged me and this thing clarified why. Jon Stewart gives me hope. What a great clip. Stewart is a national treasure.
  • I enjoyed that interview quite a bit. And the fake laugh is obviously part of Matthews' philosophy. You don't have to really feel humor, just laugh at the proper moment. It's all about strategy. You can see how effective it is.
  • Aww, man... I was watching, heard that Matthews was coming up next, said to myself "I don't need to see that asshole", and went to bed.
  • Reason #1 for hating video links. Anyone have a link to a transcript?
  • When Stewart dismantled Tucker Carlson live on his very own show ("Stop hurting America!"), Carlson lost his job and practically all of his cred overnight -- he's still around but greatly diminished in terms of influence. I'd love to see Matthews similarly permanently reduced to a shadow of his present self. And then perhaps Stewart could simply work his way through the entire "punditocracy" like Super Mario working his way to the Big Koopa.
  • Play the game; lose the game.
  • What got me was when Stewart compared Matthews' book to The Prince. Matthews accepted the comparison (or maybe missed the reference, hard to say) and then went to suggest that his own work was better than that of Machiavelli. Stewart was incredulous.
  • Well, you've got to understand, Tweety is an idiot.
  • As much as I dislike Matthews, I have to say I got a little annoyed at Jon. I don't think that every single self-help book is obligated to tackle both the "why" and the "how." This book focuses on how to get done what you want to get done; figuring out what the right thing to want to do is, can surely be the subject of another book by somebody more qualified to tackle the issue? Of course, boo to Matthews for not saying that if it's the case.
  • But you see, Matthews ENJOYS the Game of Politics. Which is compelling evidence that he has NO SOUL, which Stewart convincingly proved in that interview. Still, almost all popular 'Self-Help' books are really "Self-Hurt" (loved Stewart's use of that) and I wish he could do that to every author who's done Oprah in the last ten years...
  • I thought Matthews must have missed the reference. I didn't know what "The Prince" was (I'm ignorant) but then, I'm not an author who specialises in politics. Suddenly, I realise this man must be in politics without reading the textbook...
  • Oddly enough this interview, no matter if you agree or disagree with Stewart or Matthews, or react to the book and it's message positively or negatively, will drive book sales. And so it goes.
  • Best line? Tie: Stewart "Can I say this? I don't troll." & Stewart "You can, but it'll be edited out!" Love, love love TDS.
  • Oddly enough this interview, no matter if you agree or disagree with Stewart or Matthews, or react to the book and it's message positively or negatively, will drive book sales. I'm in it more for the pure sport of watching Matthews's face as he grapples with and then denies the realization that he has no soul.
  • For rocket88 Here is a bit of it: For those of you who can’t watch video clips online, here’s the toughest portion of the transcript: Stewart: It seems like you’re saying, do what you think will win, not do what you think is right. Matthews: Well, it’s both. Stewart: This seems to emphasize the former. Matthews: It’s about– Stewart: (laughs) Matthews: Can you come on Hardball? Stewart: What? Matthews: Yes, come on Hardball. We can play this game both ways. Stewart: Can I say this? I don’t troll. Matthews: You are unbelievable. This is a book interview from hell. This is the worst interview I’ve ever had in my life. This is the worst. You are the worst. Stewart: No! Matthews: I thought you were so big, you weren’t afraid of me. You’re so big, and you’re afraid of this book. This book scares you. Stewart: No, it doesn’t scare me. Matthews: There’s something in hear you fear. Stewart: There is something in there I fear. Like fascism. I fear fascism. (Laughter) All I’m saying is this: I love what you do. Well, Matthews didn’t enjoy himself, but I enjoyed watching it. From The Carpetbagger Report. By the way. Like in Olds Rockett 88?
  • I dunno, Matthews looked to me like he was having a great time. All those lines were delivered with a big laugh. At times I wondered whether he realized Stewart was being serious.
  • nippur: Thanks...I did eventually find a transcript, which looked like an ugly interview. Later, when I saw the video, it looked much more tame. (I actually took my name from the song, which took it from the car.)
  • Yeah, the transcript makes it sound really awful, but it was funny and everyone was at least making the laughing noises and pretending they were joking. Heh.
  • but it was funny and everyone was at least making the laughing noises and pretending they were joking You just described the first fifty or so sexual experiences of my life.