July 11, 2007

Parallel Universes, Alien Religions and Carl Jung: An Interview With RealityCarnival's Clifford Pickover.
  • An excellent read. Thanks for the post! RealityCarnival is chock-full of goodies. Can creatures dream of things beyond their sensory capacity?
  • He's crazier than a bucket of Terence McKenna, but brilliant & endlessly fascinating. I used to post RC articles here a lot in one of my earlier regenerations, until it stopped being quite so regularly interesting & more shilling for his wacky books. On the issue of McKenna, whom Cliffy has a thing for, I had a semi-lucid dream the other day in which Terence McKenna was urging me to do something or other concerning something important, which I shant go into. And then he showed me something wrong with his eye, which was developing a cast. Then I looked up a picture of him on the net (to my knowledge I have never seen what he looked like prior to this) & it looked like the same guy. And the same eye was wonky. /derail
  • Cliff Pickover's Amazing ESP Experiment. Yes, you have the ESP POWERS! Then read the Amazing Testimonials!!
  • > Cliff Pickover's Amazing ESP Experiment. That freaked me out for a bit.
  • Oops, I just realized that there's a possibly NSFW Suicide Girls ad on the page with the interview.