July 11, 2007

Off to the zoo!! Monkeys like looking at the stars shamelessly stolen outta the Blue

A new project known as Galaxy Zoo is calling on members of the public to log on to its website and help classify one million galaxies. "It's not just for fun," ... "The human brain is actually better than a computer at pattern recognition tasks like this. Whether you spend five minutes, fifteen 15 minutes or five hours using the site, your contribution will be invaluable. Think of it as a online game with benefits. Read more about it: Sloan Digital Sky Survey

  • This is really cool. I can do it at work and actually feel like I'm doing something worthwhile with my time.
  • I got a runtime error trying to register. No galactic love for me.
  • Mention has been made that many blogs have maxed-out the site. Monkeys may want to wait till after a fine dinner of Pop Tarts and cockpunch to try again.
  • I got about four galaxies in and then the Universe broke.
  • But I can register now. When one door closes, another opens.
  • And don't let it hit you on the way out, Nick.
  • Zooniverse - putting pattern recognition to good use on solar storms, old weather observations and other stuff. Still includes the original Galaxyzoo project.