March 16, 2007

Photo walkthroughs of wicked NYC pads. Plus scads of other domestic goodness for the snarfling, like sake sets for $5, fritata recipes, spin-around electrical outlets, and where to find adhesive hippie flower bathtub-floor deslipifiers.
  • is this a post or your shopping list, fes?
  • Well, the impetus for the post was those photo tours, but when I started noodling around, I found those product blog posts, which I thought were cool and added in. My shopping list is a lot shorter than this :) I won't squawk if you want to eek it.
  • And now I'm in for a new nylon shower curtain liner. I was $15 bucks richer before this post! Mr. Tricycle! I object! cool shower flower thingys too
  • Tat's quite a floofy deslipifier. It's totally kife.
  • The anti-slip flowers are NOT kife. The colours are kife, though. They should be available in brown and Harvest Gold.
  • The spin-around outlets may not meet building codes depending on where you live (and depending if you care about meeting codes). they are a good idea, however.
  • Wait, I thought kife was good. Have I got my neologisms reversed?
  • There are people who live in 265 sqft apt with a white couch?!! And artwork?!! And a baby?!! And no toys/mobiles/swing/carseat/playpen/primary colors?!! I'm not sure who I feel sorrier for, the parents or the baby. I have a feeling the living expectations are going to change when the kid reaches three. *evil laughter from one who has raised four children Who evar you are, where evar you live, you should like your spaze.
  • *nods in approval to GramMa's comments* Mrs. SMT and I lived in a 250 sq foot studio in Chelsea (Manhattan). When the arrival of baby #1 was confirmed (aaah, those lovely pink sticks), we "high-tailed" it out of there mighty quick. I can't even begin to imagine living in a space that size with a small child. I'm always fond of the way a dear friend in Tokyo refers to his abode: the mouse house As much as I tried to steer clear of clicking on the Shop link, I was led astray to USBCELL. Shucks. *digs into pockets for change*
  • Heh, AT was never linked? It must be one of those "white knowledge" sites - it's so well-known that it never occurred to any of us before to do a FPP for it. Good one, Fes. :) Most of the stuff they link is so absurdly overpriced for what it is that I never feel tempted, but there is some advice that I'll use the next time I move, for stuff like paint and picture-hooks and so forth. I love looking at contest entries, though the way people have gamed past contests has really irritated me. Check out Curtis's paint-by-number livingroom wall if you haven't already! (I think it's in the color contest from a year or so ago.) Oh, petebest, we use those nylon shower curtain liners - "Hotel" brand, or they advertise "like in a hotel room!" - they are SO much better than plastic shower curtains. Thumbsup to that purchase. & I agree that the 265 sq ft apartment is going to seem awfully small when a small child's energy is filling it up, but if it's Maxwell's apartment you're talking about... well, have you read his Apartment Therapy book? He goes guru about a lot of things in it, things that I basically think are personal choices (right down to strongly suggesting the brand of razor you should be using, which I found a little weird and offputting). He also used to be a Waldorf teacher. These things say to me that he is strong-willed about imposing his ideas, & the ideas about child-rearing may have a definite Waldorf influence, so maybe the kid will have to live without a bright red swing & Sesame Street, I don't know.