March 14, 2007

Sonnet Central features lots of sonnets in English, and a fair few translations. You may also enjoy having some read to you (real audio), or the monthly battle of the sonnets.

Whilst we're on the subject, The Sonnet Project, by one of our own, is still going strong, as previously discussed here.

  • I place my woes in form of little song, A sorry tale that pains me for to tell. That I have erred, believe, I know right well, And Fate will find me out 'ere 'fore too long. Not that I know not what is right or wrong, Nor is it that I fear some power fell, Beguiled I am, as if by warlock's spell, And bound I find myself in toils strong. For I have wasted better part of day, And eve, and night, have little profit shown. Time it seems has fallen out of kilter, The list of tasks undone has greatly grown. I warn you gentle reader, stay away From curséd Tracibashi's MonkeyFilter.
  • I know a nose, a nose no other knows, 'Neath starry eyes, o'er ruby lips it grows; Beauty is in its form and music in its blows. Oh, that I would have never heard these immortal words!
  • Bravo AC! *clap* *clap* *clap*
  • Oooooooooooh, sweet sonnetty goodness ripe for the bookmarking! You just made my day, Bobby. And though I don;t have time to write one to go with AC's masterpiece, I'll link to two of my older ones, here and here.
  • Brought a smile to my face, AC and TUM both.
  • *claps for A_Cs effort*
  • Abe: )))))
  • I took a poetry writing class in college. One of our assignments was to write a sonnet. I wrote mine about the declining quality of education in the US. Upon hearing that, you might think that I was a bit on the pompous side in college. But no, I was merely an idiot.
  • For my high school sonnet assignment, I wrote a sonnet about how much I hated writing sonnets. I'll cop to both "idiot" and "smartass."
  • Haven't you noticed that sonnets tend to bring the inner idiot, smartass, or pompuous jerk in a person. It's a tough art form.
  • Heyyyyyyyyyyyy!