March 10, 2007

Britain’s youth worst-behaved in Europe.

"In February, Britain scored at the bottom among 21 industrialized countries in a Unicef report that used 40 indicators, like relative poverty, health and family relationships, to measure children’s well-being. (The United States was next to last.) "Last year a paper published by the Institute for Public Policy Research, a progressive study group, concluded that Britain’s young people were the worst-behaved in Europe, spending less time with their parents, drinking and fighting more, and trying drugs and sex earlier than their counterparts across the Continent."

  • Am I bovvered? Am I bovvered though? Do I look bovvered? BOVVERED.
  • Further reading, a conservative viewpoint from a prison doctor in London. He puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of liberal intellectuals, who have lead everyone to believe that our whims and pleasures take precedence over any societal responsibility. The problems of Britain's underclass run much deeper than mere poverty. He has many uplifting anecdotes, such as the following: "It concerns a young man aged twenty who still lived with his mother and who had tried to kill himself. Not long before, his mother's current boyfriend, a habitual drunkard ten years her junior, had, in a fit of jealousy, attacked the mother in the young man's presence, grabbing her round the throat and strangling her. The young man tried to intervene, but the older man was not only six inches taller but much stronger. He knocked the young man man to the ground and kicked him several times in the head. Then he dragged him outside and smashed his head on the ground until he was unconscious and blood ran from a deep wound. The young man regained consciousness in the ambulance, but his mother insisted that he give no evidence to the police because, had he done so, her lover would have gone to jail: and she was most reluctant to give up a man who was, in her own words to the young man's 11-year-old sister, "a better fuck than your father". A little animal pleasure meant more to the mother than her son's life ..." He also makes a compelling argument about NOT legalizing drugs! Can you imagine?
  • I am an embittered teacher working in an inner city school near Croydon. I agree with NYT and the badly behaved kids are getting worse. Last Friday they threw dog shit at me. Yesterday they were running round the classroom with chisels they had stolen from another classroom. Because of "inclusion" we cant do anything to them. We cannot stop them leaving the classrooms, we cannot ring home because "mum" is on pay as you go tarrif and cant afford to pay it. We are not allowed to stand in their way. We are encouraged to think twice about physically intervening in a fight by some unions because of ther inherent risk. When they tell us to fuck off, they get a paper report. Failing that they get six more paper reports before it gets serious. Serious means "one to one support" so in fact , all they are learning is that if you misbehave badly enough you just get removed to a unit from the lessons you hate. And when the money runs out, you get plonked straight back in again. Our school cant just dismiss them as we have yearly quotas that we are not allowed to exceed. I estimate that 45% of our kids are on some meaningless paper report at one stage or another, and they know its meaningless... f you want a look, have a go at this this whithering exposé of our school's truancy that got beamed out on BBC London a few days ago. Best bit is when the kid swears at the mum. But they bey bit is where the mum says "the school has no power" She hit the nail on the head. Real Player movie. Enjoy the sheer track-suitiness of it all....
  • Sorry - new link - Movie actually here
  • Good grief Headsessions! About 8 years ago I was teaching as a team English teacher in several Japanese Junior High and Elementary schools. I was lucky in some schools - but a couple of them were complete nightmares. Who were these alien spawn? Things weren't as strict back then in Japan in regards to discipline (they are much stricter now ie some of the stuff teachers could get away with then aren't allowed now) - but I had a couple of kids try to push me - and I would push right back. As far as I can tell teachers aren't even allowed to defend themselves even. And they don't have the support of a system to deal with unruly kids. The biggest complaint from the teachers is that not only were they supposed to teach the kids - but apparently parent them as well. This put a lot of stress on them. Dare I say "Blame the parents"?
  • Dare I say "Kill all the little fuckers, the willfully ignorant, violent, illiterate scum. Good fucking riddance to 'em and I wouldn't be a teacher for a gold fucking clock." And I consider myself quite the liberal!
  • Man, these kids today, huh? Am I right?
  • Not only that, but those clowns in congress have done it again! What a bunch of clowns!
  • Wow, how do you stay so current?
  • Blackboard Jungle (1955) [YouTube]
  • It gets on me wick!
  • Appalling. I mean come on, people; did we learn nothing from Battle Royale?
  • It's always the parents' fault. And I say that as a parent and a teacher. It is ALWAYS the fault of the home.
  • Yeh but, no but, yeh but...
  • The young man who was my student assistant last summer recently came back to visit after doing his student teaching in a Buffalo suburb - one of his students got shot the first week he was there.
  • And ya' WONDER why kids act ADD?
  • Dare I say "Kill all the little fuckers, the willfully ignorant, violent, illiterate scum. Good fucking riddance to 'em and I wouldn't be a teacher for a gold fucking clock." A gold fucking clock? Where do you come from? Around here, you don't even get a Timex when you retire.